
WFC News

Posted: Apr 2, 2014

Dick Young

Founder, Performance Advantage Company

1. How is the PAC Classroom going?

As you know, we mount all types of equipment. And, we have to come up with bracketry to mount all different types of equipment. Sometimes that's hard to envision. When you put out a catalog, all it does is show pictures of what products are doing rather than necessarily how they do it. So by having all of our products on display in a way that we can take a camera and show visitors anywhere in the world how the things operate, it seemed to us that it was a great opportunity to take advantage of technology. So, this opportunity to use GoToMeeting to actually bring people into our display is a marvelous tool. We can talk to our dealers in Australia. We talked to some customers in Greece the other day. It doesn't matter where in the world they are-they could be in the next community. But in any event, we can give them an opportunity to see exactly how our products work right before their faces.

2. Can you tell us about the Scott display in the Greater Lancaster Museum of Fire Fighting?

Scott Aviation was born here in Lancaster, New York. Earl Scott lived here; his family lived here. This whole community knew of Scott and a whole lot of them worked at Scott for years. They had products for aviation as well as products for the fire service. What they learned in high-altitude breathing equipment allowed them to develop the regulators that were used in the Scott [SCBA]. So, it started here. The family is here. It's a wonderful community display because it brings so many people here who worked at Scott or know of Scott.

3. Why is proper tool mounting so critical for today's fire apparatus?

We are carrying more and more tools that are susceptible to damage. And, it's very important that they be mounted in a way that they're going to be there when you need them. It's also important that you be able to check your apparatus before you leave the scene of a fire and make sure you have all the tools that you took to the fire. Besides that, more and more equipment is very expensive. So, it's terribly important that it be mounted carefully and well. It takes a lot of thought, but it's worthwhile. In many instances, you're not changing an engine, a pump, wheels, and axles. Those things have been part of fire apparatus for years. But you are changing the way you carry the tools you need at a fire. Look at the hydraulic tools that have come on the scene, or the generators, or all of the different axes and pry bars. They have to be carefully mounted. And, it is critical that you allow the space on a new rig for that equipment, that equipment be mounted properly, and that you get your weight distributions and everything else in balance.

4. What do you think is the biggest mistake fire departments make when mounting tools?

I think the biggest mistake is they don't take enough time before they come up with a new apparatus specification to determine where they want to mount this equipment. I think an example of doing it well is Ottawa, Canada. They did a marvelous job on their specifications because they took compartment by compartment and decided what they wanted, where they wanted it mounted, and how they wanted it mounted. That might sound like a lot of nonsense, but they wound up with a specification that when you read it or any bidder read it, they knew what was wanted. And when it came time to build that truck, the builder knew exactly what the committee wanted. So, I think the biggest mistake is that they don't take enough time to really design the truck around the equipment they are going to carry.

5. What keeps you up at night?

Well, sometimes, what we have to do is take advantage of technology. By that, I mean when we first started making brackets, it was very important to recognize that with some of the old brass cast brackets, when you moun

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Posted: Apr 1, 2014

Conferences: Invaluable Professional Opportunities

Richard Marinucci

Conferences and trade shows are invaluable to professions in that they provide unique opportunities to better the profession regardless of which one it is.

The fire service is no different, and all departments and individuals can benefit by actively participating. Attendance must be considered a vital component of professional development for those who strive to attain the highest level of performance. Yet, there remains a stigma of sorts in many communities that these conventions are nothing more than junkets taken on the public dole and offer nothing but a good time for those who attend. This perception has to be addressed; individually and collectively, the fire service must continually promote the value of attendance to those who ultimately control the budget.

Economy's Effect

There is no doubt that the nation's economic conditions of the past few years have made participation difficult for many. For example, in my community a decision was made that there would be no out-of-state travel for any reason. This was a political decision to let the public know that we-as an entire governmental entity, not just the fire service-were taking action to control costs. In spite of the fact that I could anecdotally cite many cost-saving examples from information obtained at certain venues that more than paid for attendance, the perception trumped the logic. This is a reality, and departments must consider a strategy to address this. Even with a sound strategy, there will be cases where the political policy will stand regardless of various arguments.

Perception Change

Fire service leadership must work on changing the perception that conferences and trade shows are luxuries and nonessential components of a high-performing, professional organization. A big part of this is understanding the specific value of every opportunity and being able to explain it in simple, nonemotional terms that make sense to the average person. This is not easy in many cases because the perceptions are deeply embedded and it is easy to say no and cite the political reasoning. It takes work to get approvals, and relationships are key so that you have the opportunity to offer your reasons.

I recently attended the Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA) Apparatus Symposium in Orlando, Florida. It was the first time I attended, and I left wondering how much money I had wasted over the years by not having members of my organization attend this conference. Many experts in the apparatus profession were assembled-those who truly understand the industry. I am so humbled by the lack of knowledge I have about the specifics of apparatus and how much others know about the subject. It would not be hard to find ways to save on future apparatus purchases and subsequent maintenance costs by spending time at this symposium. I am sure with very little effort I could identify items that would more than cover the expense of the trip.

Here is a specific example. I was talking to Mike Wilbur, a retired lieutenant from the FDNY and an expert in fire apparatus issues. He asked me a very simple question: Would I consider building a structure that costs approximately $750,000 without hiring an architect? I said no. My reason is that I don't build things like that very often so I don't know the intricacies involved. He then asked me why I would spend that much money to buy a ladder truck without help. It was a very good point that I will certainly use in the future. I think that tip alone made the trip worthwhile. If you don't regularly and routinely purchase apparatus, you are at a disadvantage and likely will spend more than needed or end up with apparatus that is not as reliable as it needs to be. The chances of making a mistake because of inexperience are great.

Determine Value

The practicality of attending all the conferences that exist i

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Posted: Apr 1, 2014

Purchasing Dealer-Supplied Used Apparatus

By Chris Mc Loone

In the fire service, there is often discussion about "tools in the toolbox." These tools vary.

Sometimes the tools are tactics. On the topic of fire suppression, there has been much recent talk about whether or not to hit a fire from the outside before an aggressive interior attack. Most are quick to note that there are no absolutes in firefighting and that hitting a fire from the outside first is a tactic, a tool in the toolbox-not the way a fire should be fought every time.

In the realm of apparatus purchasing, there are also various tools in the toolbox. One is buying a new truck from a manufacturer that has bid on a set of specifications. Another is leasing fire apparatus from a manufacturer. Purchasing "program" vehicles is also an option. And, buying used apparatus is yet another course of action. But, there are various ways departments can buy used apparatus-by purchasing directly from another fire department, using a broker, or purchasing from a dealer.

used fire apparatus

When you decide to purchase a used apparatus from a dealer, be sure to
visit the dealer to ensure that it has a facility to prepare the trucks, that it is
actually in the fire truck business, and that it is able to stand behind the
products it sells. (Photos courtesy of Jon's Mid America Fire Apparatus.)


Dealer vs. Broker

When Fire Department A purchases an apparatus from Fire Department B, Fire Department B acts as the broker in the deal. There are also brokers who bring Fire Department A and Fire Department B together to make the deal. "I compare it to a real estate agent working from a house or office," says Jim Keltner, president of Jon's Mid America Fire Apparatus, Inc. "They don't have the investment of a shop and facility, and they don't have ownership of the truck at any point. The only investment they have is possibly to advertise a little bit. When Department ABC sells its truck to Department PDQ, they pay the broker a commission."

A major difference between purchasing from a dealer and purchasing from a broker is ownership of the vehicle in question. A broker does not own the vehicle he is selling in most cases. In the case of a dealer, the apparatus is titled to the dealer. "We look for and buy good used trucks from all over the country," says Keltner. "We go through them from head to toe. It is our goal that when a truck goes out of here, it's going to be a good truck for the department it goes to for the next 10 or more years."

Quincy Jones, co-owner of Company Two Fire Apparatus, adds that unlike a dealer, which owns the vehicle, has gone through the vehicle, and has prepared it to go back into service, brokers often have no knowledge of the vehicle other than what its owner has told them. "They are relying on second- and third-party information, meaning they can only relay what the fire department selling the truck has told them it has. They have no knowledge of the truck."

Keltner explains, "It's sold with a warranty. We stand behind it. The truck is bought and paid for by us. It's titled in our name. And then it's titled to the department." Jon's Mid America has a broad network from which it secures the trucks it sells. "A lot of ours are dealer trade-ins," he says. "We buy them from the dealer that traded for them. Some of them we buy directly from departments. There are a lot of departments that don't want to deal with a broker because they want the truck to go away. They don't want the other department to come back to them and say, 'This widget wasn't fixed,' or 'The brakes are weak. You

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Posted: Apr 1, 2014

High Flows, Electronics Common Characteristices for Today's Aerial Monitors

By Alan M. Petrillo

Apparatus manufacturers continue to improve aerial devices, especially with regard to getting water in greater quantities to the tips of aerials.

Their efforts include ways to resize aerial waterways for greater flows, bulking up the aerial structure to bear the load of the extra force of that water, and plumbing for the array of monitors and nozzles that are being used at the tips of those aerial devices, whether straight ladders or platforms. Water appliance manufacturers have also designed products that integrate with the electronic systems in place on the aerials.

TFT's Valve Under Monitor (VUM) appliance comprises a high flowing
valve and discharge ports in a manifold configuration that tucks under the
monitor. It knocks down the cost for the customer and the weight for the
OEM and is configured for the customer with either a valve or no valve and
one or two 2½-inch discharges. (Photo courtesy of TFT.)



Rod Carringer, chief marketing officer for Task Force Tips (TFT), says that electronics have become one of the chief critical elements in monitors. "Smart systems are being put on platforms to help operators control the aerial," Carringer says, "and remote-control monitors have to be integrated into those systems as well."

For example, many aerial apparatus manufacturers offer an electronic stow function that is used to prevent damage to the aerial when it is being bedded into its storage position. "We work with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to make that function work properly with our monitors," Carringer says. "Depending on whether the cab design is higher or lower, the monitor has to be preprogrammed at the factory so when the bedding process begins, the monitor tucks in where it belongs. There's a lot of weight and power in the hydraulics that do the process that can damage equipment if you're not paying attention."

The TFT Typhoon series, with rated flow up to 1,500
gpm at 200 psi, is available as a manually operated or
remote control fixed station monitor. A dual hand-
wheel Typhoon is shown here with the TFT VUM.
(Photo courtesy of TFT.)


TFT offers a wide choice of monitors in flow ranges from 100 gallons per minute (gpm) through 2,500-gpm models, Carringer points out, and in sizes and configurations to meet the specific needs of OEMs and the fire departments.

Carringer says that monitor design for aerials is driven by OEMs, who try to achieve a certain flow performance out of the tip when it's fully extended in the air. "We redesigned our nozzles, ranging from 500 to 4,000 gpm, so the operational pressure can be varied on the fly by the operator," he notes. "If more reach and penetration are needed, he can turn the pressure up. Or if he needs maximum flow, he can turn the pressure down on the nozzle. It gives the operator more tactical leeway."

TFT's VUM works with all TFT monitors. It is configured for the customer
with either a valve or no valve and one or two 2½-inch discharges and is
also available with a variety of options, shown here. (Photo courtesy of



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Posted: Apr 1, 2014

ERV Fleet Defects, Part 3

Christian P. Koop

For the benefit of those who are not familiar with or have not read the first two parts of this series, I will explain the main reason behind these articles.

History has a way of repeating itself, even when it comes to emergency response vehicle (ERV) maintenance and repair. I have seen many similar issues occur time and time again, and I feel sharing some of the problems I have encountered over the years may help some readers find solutions to issues they may currently or in the future encounter with their fleets.

Some of these fleet defects may have been created because of poor specifications that did not take into account real-world drive cycles, terrain, climate, vehicle weight, or a host of other factors that can affect ERV drivability, durability, and reliability-which in our business can mean the difference between life and death. Some of these issues are easily, or luckily as the case may be, discovered during the acceptance phase for a new fleet. Yet others are from manufacturing or component defects that appear after the units are placed in service. Some may not show up until the units have been in use for considerable time and may take many thousands of miles, hundreds of hours, and many months before they appear. Unfortunately, some of these issues can be very tough to deal with, and finding solutions for them can become paramount for all those involved in the process.

This example shows burned insulation from the harness of a transmission
output speed sensor. (Photo courtesy of Gable Jean-Simon.)


Low-Voltage Systems

One area I feel is a major source of ERV downtime and problems that can be very time consuming for technicians to pinpoint is the low-voltage electrical system. Although there have been many improvements in technology over the years with the use of electronics to control engines, transmissions, multiplex systems, electronic pump governors, wireless system components, and a host of others, an incorrectly designed or built low-voltage wiring system can lead to problems in these modern and sophisticated systems that can be chronic and difficult to find and correct-even for experienced technicians.

Over the years, I have seen problems that include incorrectly sized wiring that could not handle a load, poorly crimped connectors that increased resistance and created voltage drops, failure to have a drip loop or a service loop, incorrectly designed or mounted components that would fill with water and fail, and wiring that did not conform to specifications. I will provide some background and examples of the issues caused by these shortcomings and failure to follow important build requirements and procedures in the low-voltage electrical system.

Wire Insulation

For a number of years, both National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1901, Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus, and the old ambulance standard, KKK-1846-G, which is being replaced by NFPA 1917, Standard for Automotive Ambulances, have required low-voltage wiring that is resistant to heat, abrasion, and chemicals. Basically what this means is that the material used to insulate the copper wiring or conductors must withstand a lot more heat and physical abrasion than the more common polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulated wire you may find at your local auto parts or hardware store. The wiring must withstand the high under-hood temperatures found in modern automobiles and trucks and is also resistant to chemical degradation from gasoline, diesel, lubricants, coolants, and other fluids that would ordinarily damage lesser materials used for wire insulation.

This wire type is also commonly referred to as cross-

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