Posted: Aug 4, 2015
The wildfire along Lake Chelan continued to grow Tuesday and spew smoke across parts of eastern Washington.
The blaze grew by about 1,200 acres and covered 25,634 acres - or 40 square miles - by Tuesday morning, fire spokesman Bill Queen said. It is being fought by 257 firefighters and has destroyed one structure.
- PUB DATE: 8/4/2015 10:46:19 AM - SOURCE: KOMO-TV ABC 4 and Radio 1000
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Posted: Aug 4, 2015
A fire destroyed an abandoned building at a former wrecking yard north of Lynnwood early Tuesday morning.
Fire dispatchers received multiple 911 calls just before 3 a.m. reporting flames coming from the building in the 13400 block of Lake Road in unincorporated Snohomish County north of Lynnwood. The Mukilteo Speedway, SR 525, runs directly behind the property.
- PUB DATE: 8/4/2015 10:46:11 AM - SOURCE: Lynnwood Today
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Posted: Aug 4, 2015
An employee was rushed to the hospital with serious burns following an overnight fire at an auto shop in Tukwila.
Crews were dispatched to the scene, in the 19600 block of Orillia Road South, at about 11:45 p.m. Monday after receiving a 911 call reporting a fire from an unknown source, said a Tukwila fire official.
- PUB DATE: 8/4/2015 7:53:39 AM - SOURCE: KOMO-TV ABC 4 and Radio 1000
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Posted: Aug 4, 2015
A fire in an abandoned building blocked part a key road near Mukilteo for hours.
People saw flames shooting out of the building in the 13400 block of Mukilteo Speedway about 3 a.m. Tuesday.
Neighbors say they believe the building is empty but there may have been transients living there.
A passerby took cellphone video of huge flames shooting 20 to 30 feet into the air.
- PUB DATE: 8/4/2015 5:14:17 AM - SOURCE: KIRO-TV CBS 7
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Posted: Aug 4, 2015
A judge on Monday refused to issue a temporary restraining order sought by Providence firefighters to stop the city from moving ahead with shift changes.
Mayor Jorge Elorza on Sunday implemented a new schedule that has firefighters working a 56-hour work week. At the same time, the number of platoons has been reduced from four to three.
- PUB DATE: 8/4/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: WJAR-TV NBC 10 Providence
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