By Richard Marrinucci
Staying current in one’s profession is a hallmark of true professionals. To do that, an individual must study his/her profession in a variety of ways to learn of the latest developments that can improve performance. This would include trade journals and participation in trade shows, meetings, workshops, and seminars. I have been fortunate for most of my career to have worked for progressive thinkers (though I did work for one Neanderthal but that is another story for another time!) who have supported my professional development in many ways. I like to believe that this has improved my performance. Having just completed a round of attendance at various national, regional, and local shows, I look at the relatively small percentage of departments represented at almost all of these events, whether national, state or local. I wonder how those not in attendance get vital information regarding national and state programs as well as learning the latest developments across the spectrum of the service. I realize the challenges facing many as they struggle to find the time and resources to participate, but I do think participation must be part of the job description.
This would apply to all members of a fire department who have specialized responsibilities and those wishing to advance in rank. Anyone involved in apparatus procurement and maintenance must learn as much as possible about the current state of the industry to obtain and maintain the quality apparatus that firefighters deserve. This also applies to training officers, safety officers, command staff, prevention personnel, and virtually everyone else. The industry is changing, and keeping up is not easy. There is a benefit to research, trade journals, and Internet searches. Add to this the networking and face-to-face benefits of participation, and you get strong performers throughout the organization. Again, I understand budget constraints and myopic bosses, but there are also cases where those in leadership positions are not willing to commit the time and effort needed to convince others of the benefits.
Another topic that comes up in discussions is that of fire department members who give the impression that their most important actions when they get to work is determining the menu and when will their next day off be. Again, I think I have been very fortunate in that most who I have worked with have been dedicated and committed to providing service. But, there are always those who seem to slip through the cracks. They begin their careers with the best of intentions and are as gung ho as the rest of the gang. Somewhere along the line they fall into some bad habits. They then either are fortunate to have good supervisors who can snap them out of it or get in with other like-minded folks who now join forces to do the bare minimum. How sad!! This is such a great profession with much opportunity to do good and get great job satisfaction. I don’t know what it is like to not want to go to work. There is responsibility on everyone to do what they can to get everyone through the ups and downs of the job so they don’t develop a negative attitude. It certainly starts with the chief of department, but every supervisor and chief officer has a part to play. Of course, some of these malcontents were bad hires and should never have made it on the job let alone off probation. Usually everyone on the department knows it but no one would make the tough decision.
Many people have said that firefighters are the most valuable resource, and organizations should practice what they preach. They need to start by selecting the right individuals through a fair and appropriate process. This proce