Richard Marinucci |
Fire departments exist for the purpose of responding to emergencies.
They are expected to arrive safely with the right amount of resources to take care of the problem. Even one slip up can cause an organization unnecessary challenges, so departments must be prepared to ensure reliability to the greatest extent possible. This would apply particularly to fire apparatus, as emergency breakdowns and extensive out-of-service time diminish reliability.
In many ways, modern apparatus have become simple to operate. Almost anyone with minimal instruction can get in a cab, push a few buttons, and be off. Once on the scene, a pump operator can push a few more buttons to engage the pump and have water flowing. Advances in technology can provide a false sense of security and lead to issues if those responsible don’t prepare. Everyone must consider this preparation a responsibility. Reliability is the responsibility of the entire organization, not just the fire engine drivers (drivers, pump operators, or whatever terminology you use), fleet managers, and mechanics.
Although apparatus may be simpler to operate in many ways, this in no way implies that the entire vehicle is not made up of a very complex set of components. While today’s apparatus arguably are very reliable, it is always possible that one of the components may fail. Because of the components’ complexity, departments need an expert in this area for repairs. The days of a backyard mechanic looking at a part and making a repair are gone. Special knowledge and tools are required.
Keeping Apparatus in Service
There are many things an organization can do to improve reliability and keep the vehicles in service. This requires a comprehensive approach to maintenance of all components and their interdependency. Of most importance is preventive maintenance. There is the old saying that “you can pay me now or pay me later.” Not only is the “pay me later” part more expensive, it is most often more time-consuming, increasing out-of-service time. Also realize that it does not take a significant malfunction to force an apparatus out of service. Any failure of a vital component will make the vehicle unusable.
Organizations serious about their approach to improving reliability and performance begin with the initial purchase of any piece of apparatus. The purpose of this brief article is not to get into great detail on specification writing. But, one piece of advice would be to make sure that whoever is assigned the task of writing specs has the talent, the capability, and the experience. This might involve hiring a consultant with credentials commensurate with the task at hand. Often organizations without the necessary expertise take on this important task without the prerequisite knowledge. Starting off with the right apparatus, including specifying components that will minimize breakdowns and considering methods that assist with ease of maintenance, will get departments on the right path. Individuals with the experience to help an organization set the stage that will lead to reliability.
Component Training
New apparatus delivery is an exciting time for most departments, as it should be. But, the bells and whistles and nice shine of the vehicle should not detract from the important task of learning as much as possible about the vehicle’s components and their required maintenance. While it is important to obtain all the owner’s manuals that coincide with the various components of the apparatus, bear i