INDIANAPOLIS, IN—Spartan Emergency Response, a business unit of Spartan Motors, Inc., launched its 180 Truck Program at FDIC International 2016, the latest innovation from the company’s Fire Industry Knowledge Center, cutting the typical delivery lead time in half.
Market intelligence verifies there is increasing demand for rapid delivery of new fire apparatus. While this need exists across many markets, it is most pronounced in urban and suburban areas experiencing high population growth and in markets where municipalities have aging fleets. Spartan is applying process innovation to abbreviate delivery times, enabling departments to focus on what they do best.
“Innovation takes many forms up and down the value chain. We’re pushing the envelope in areas beyond product development, including our speed to market. At FDIC 2016 we are showcasing Spartan’s 180 Truck Program which enables an unprecedented order-to-delivery cycle times as short as 180 days,” says John Slawson, Division President, Spartan Emergency Response. “Helping ensure fire departments can remain laser-focused on rescues is mission critical to Spartan.”
Combining decades of fire industry knowledge with the significant manufacturing and engineering talent the company added over the last year, the 180 Truck Program represents a new way of manufacturing custom fire trucks. By getting a head start on full-featured custom production, Spartan can complete a fully-engineered, built-to-order apparatus in six months without compromising quality. The company will initially offer more than a dozen pumper and aerial models under the program.
For more information, visit www.spartanmotors.com.