James Mayse
Messenger-Inquirer, Owensboro, Ky.
The Owensboro Fire Department is seeking bids to replace its large firefighting boat. An official with the fire department said Monday a vendor to construct the boat will be chosen in early November.
The city issued a request for bids for a new fire rescue boat Monday.
OFD Battalion Chief Richard Peach said the department is looking to purchase a 29- to 30-foot-long boat that would have firefighting capability and equipment such as sonar for water emergencies.
The department has a fireboat that is about 10 years old, but the company that built the boat is no longer in operation.
Peach said the current boat has has some issues, but that its biggest deficiency is its design.
The current boat is fiberglass, while department officials are seeking a metal boat. Boats with metal hulls are easier to repair when damaged, Peach said.
“The upkeep on (metal boats) is a little better,” Peach said. The department would also like to replace the current boat, which has a “Tri-V” hull, because the style is more susceptible to damage than a “Deep V” hull, Peach said.
Overall, the current boat is fit the department’s needs on the water.
“We are replacing it a little bit early, but we have had some issues,” Peach said. The boat “was not conducive to what we needed,” although officials didn’t know that when the boat was purchased, he said.
“It has definitely served its purpose,” but does not match the department’s current needs, Peach said.
With the city hosting river events like the Owensboro Air Show and HydroFair, there was a impetus to replace the current boat.
“We decided to go ahead and replace it because we are having so much activity on the river,” Peach said.
The boat will have current technology and will have a pumper that can pump 500 gallons of water or more per minute, Peach said.
Other details will be worked out with the vendor chosen to build the boat.
The hope is to have the boat ready, and to have crews trained, in time for next year’s Air Show, Peach said.
James Mayse, 270-691-7303, jmayse@messenger-inquirer.com, Twitter: @JamesMayse
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