By Andy Soccodato
Achieving a reliable prime quickly and efficiently is paramount to the success of any rural water operation. This is usually accomplished using the onboard mechanical or pneumatic positive displacement priming pump.
These priming pumps, which are required by National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1901, Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus, are very effective at establishing a prime from a static source. However, instances may occur where the primer pump fails to operate on a fire scene. These instances can create a very stressful situation for the unprepared pump operator.
“Burp drafting” is an alternative drafting technique that can be used in scenarios where the primer fails to operate. This method can also be used instead of the onboard priming system for a rapid establishment of a draft. We will discuss the operating principles behind this alternative drafting method, steps for performing this technique, and key operational considerations. This method will give the rural pump operator an “ace in the hole” during those challenging drafting scenarios (photo 1).
1 Burp drafting is a fast and effective way to prime side, front, and rear intakes. (Photos by author.)
“Burp Drafting” Operating Principles
The name “burp drafting” is used to describe the means in which this technique achieves a prime without the use of a primer. Using this technique, the pump operator is simply “burping” the air within the hard suction hose and intake plumbing out through a discharge outlet. For this technique to work, three critical components must be present and occur:
- There must be water in the booster tank.
- There must be an intake valve present on the intake being primed.
- Water must be circulated through the pump from the booster tank.
The major concept behind this process is the recirculation of water from the booster tank. The laws of physics state that we cannot create or destroy matter. This means that when water traveling through the tank-to-pump line is discharged from the pump through the tank fill line, something has to replace the water that was discharged. When the operator is recirculating water, more water from the booster tank comes to replace the water that was discharged from the pump. Since we know this process occurs every time the pump is engaged, the tank-to-pump valve is opened, and the tank fill valve is opened, we can conclude that an area of negative pressure is present at the eye of the pump’s impeller when water is being discharged.
If the impeller is spun faster while recirculating water, it will increa