

The Finest Supporting the Bravest!

The purpose of the Fire Mechanics Section is to promote standardization of fire apparatus and equipment preventative maintenance, improve safety standards and practices, promote workshops, conferences, and seminars related to the purposes of this Section, and to promote cost savings through standardization of building and equipment purchasing and maintenance.


Posted: Dec 8, 2013

ERV Fleet Defects

By Christian P. Koop

History, as many of us have learned, has a way of repeating itself-even when it comes to emergency response vehicle (ERV) maintenance and repair. What prompted me to go ahead and put pen to paper, as the saying goes, was a phone call I received from one of our vendors a few months back. The caller explained a problem he was encountering with a new rescue truck his dealership had recently sold but which was brought back with a complaint that during hard braking it pulled to one side. The dealer was having difficulty getting the problem diagnosed correctly. I quickly remembered and explained to him what the problem might be based on a similar symptom our shop had encountered 20 years earlier. It turns out it was the same problem. And, sharing this information proved valuable in getting the problem resolved sooner with fewer headaches for all involved.

Common Problems

For quite some time now I have felt the need to compile the major fleet problems or defects I have seen and experienced with ERVs over the years. By major, I am referring to those problems that affect a specific group of vehicles or are common fleetwide. Some of these issues might have been created by technical specifications that did not take into account real-world drive cycles, terrain, climate, vehicle weight, and other factors that can negatively impact ERV maintenance, reliability, and durability. Others were caused by poor design or just manufacturing defects that were not discovered until the ERVs were placed in service.

Many of these fleetwide issues manifest themselves right after the vehicles are purchased and placed into service. Other problems may take many months and even thousands of miles to rear their troublesome heads. My main goal behind writing about these past issues is that I feel some of the resolutions to defects and problems I have encountered over the years could be of value to others running into similar or even the exact same issues. This could be beneficial by providing information that may ultimately help cut down the time it takes to resolve similar problems. I am sure everyone reading this realizes that time is money, especially with today's budgets, and getting the unit back in service as soon as possible is paramount to all those who are involved or affected by the problem-not to mention the taxpayers.

This article is not intended to bash manufacturers in any way for past problems. I will provide a brief history and background for each of the ERV fleet issues that I describe below to give the reader the best perspective in understanding what caused a problem and what those involved did to resolve it.

Alternator Failures

In the early 1980s, our department was using big-block gasoline-powered rescue trucks (aka ambulances) that were experiencing frequent alternator failures. Back then we were using a brush-type 165-amp alternator with internal rectification. In other words, it was an alternator with the diodes or bridge rectifiers built inside the unit as is still common today in most automotive, truck, and heavy equipment alternators. The root cause of the problem was extreme high under-hood temperatures causing the alternator diodes to die an early death. It was not because of an excessive electrical load. At the time, a gentleman out of Tampa, Florida-Whitley, if I recall correctly-began producing an external bridge rectifier to address the problem. Removing the stock bridge rectifiers from the excessive heat found inside the alternator and relocating them behind the grill area to receive cooler airflow resolved the problem.

Afterward, the shop modified the rest of the fleet, and alternator life was restored to acceptable levels. One very important point is that excessive heat is an enemy of charging systems, batteries, and electronic components. We went through this same ordeal just a few years ago when the wrong altern

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Posted: Dec 8, 2013

Fire Service Forecast: Data-Driven Decision Making

By Paul C. Darley,
President and CEO, W.S. Darley & Company

In the movie "Money Ball," Oakland A's General Manager Billy Beane uses statistical information to create a winning baseball team. You can do the same with your fire department, company, or just about any organization.

"Where is the fire industry headed?" and "When will it turn around?" are the two most common questions I hear from those in the fire industry trying to navigate through these difficult times. No one knows for sure, but there are a lot of industry data we can use to help answer these challenging questions.

Data-Driven Decisions

I've always been a believer in data-driven decisions. When it comes to figuring where this industry is headed, I turn to sources such as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), the National League of Cities (NLC), the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), and the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers' Association (FAMA)-just to name a few. Each organization collects data that it shares with the public and its membership.

Here are a few highlights of the data published from these different organizations.

The NFPA has an excellent research section on its Web site. One of the best reports is the Annual Fire Loss Report published each year in September. It is filled with more statistics than you can ever absorb, but high-level trends certainly emerge. For example, there were 1.375 million fires and 2,855 fire-related deaths in 2012. This was down one percent from the previous year and down more than 55 percent compared to 1977, when there were 3.3 million fires and 7,400 deaths. Fires accounted for only four percent of the 31.8 million calls in 2012, while 68 percent were EMS calls.

The search feature of the IAFC's Web site is great, and there are more articles on fire industry statistics than you can imagine. I encourage you to go to its Web site and type in the words "Fire Stats." You'll be hit with 2,500 records ranked by relevance. You can quickly narrow this down through a refined search on the topic of your choice.

The NLC publishes the single best annual report for determining the future health of America's cities, the "Research Brief on America's Cities." The 2013 report, released in mid-October, covers survey results from cities with populations ranging from 10,000 to three million residents. This report covers everything from building permit reports to spending activities. City finance officers report that they are now better able to meet their financial needs than at any time since 2007. This extremely favorable news is based on increased revenues and cuts in services. The report also addresses the 18- to 24-month lag between the general economy and municipal budgets.

The NVFC's Web site has a section devoted entirely to statistics. There are 756,450 volunteer firefighters in the United States comprising 69 percent of the nation's fire service. Of the 30,145 departments in the country, 20,200 are all volunteer, 5,530 are mostly volunteer, 1,865 are mostly career, and 2,550 are all career. The number of volunteer firefighters in the United States has declined by more than 18 percent since 1984. Major factors contributing to the decline include increased time demands and less focus on volunteering-this at a time when the average age of volunteers is increasing significantly.

The FAMA Web site also has some great tools, such as a weight and cube calculator to determine how much equipment can fit on your new truck. All United States fire apparatus manufacturers submit statistics on the number of new vehicle orders and those shipped each quarter. This detailed report is only for members, but the FAMA board has given me permission to share the following:

New orders for fire apparatus have increased recently. In

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Posted: Dec 8, 2013

I Have To Test What?

By Rod Carringer

Al Petrillo's great article on the impact of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1962, Standard for the Care, Use, Inspection, Service Testing and Replacement of Fire Hose, Couplings, Nozzles and Fire Hose Appliances, (2013 ed.), in my perspective, alluded to what will be only the tip of the iceberg as it relates to the testing of nozzles and appliances. As we look more closely at the wording and intent of the standard, the ability of many departments to actually meet the requirements may actually be quite limited.

More than Hose

The expanded standard, aside from testing hose, requires the following:

• Handheld nozzles are all to be tested as frequently as the hose they are used on is tested and shall be both flow and hydrostatically tested.

• Hydrostatic testing requires a minimum of 300- up to 450-pound-per-square-inch (psi) pressures, and flow testing requires a calibrated flowmeter.

• All appliances such as gated wyes, manifolds, portable monitors, ball valves, and even intake valves are to be hydrostatically tested annually.

• Intake valves are to be removed from the apparatus and tested to the standard. The attached pressure relief valve shall be removed and tested separately.

• Suction hose is to be vacuum-tested and measured to 22 inches of mercury for 10 minutes, and a clear inspection cap is to be installed.

As the scope of these standard changes sinks in, I remain somewhat torn. On one hand, as I am a corporate officer of Task Force Tips (TFT), the focus on safety, service, and repair of noncompliant products, and even the recommended replacement schedule, is of the utmost importance to help keep our responders safe. On the other hand, as I am a nearly 40-year veteran of a small volunteer fire department, this is yet one more unfunded mandate we have to try to deal with. The burden of annual testing of hose, ladders, pumps, and now nozzles, appliances, and flow hardware forces us into a position of either committing scarce human and financial resources to accomplish the standard's compliance recommendations or accepting the potential liability should one of our untested and undocumented components fail during service.

As you can see, this really is a multifaceted issue and like it or not, since earlier this year, it's the law of the land when it comes to testing, inspection, care, and replacement of hose, nozzles, and appliances. If you are associated with a hose testing company or are a hose testing franchise owner, this standard and the associated business expansion are truly windfalls. But if you're an agency that has always maintained a "do-it-yourself" attitude when it comes to testing, maintenance, and service, there will certainly be some challenges to achieve compliance. As one of the world's largest producers of high-performance water flow equipment, TFT will continue to offer its perspective and interpretation of the performance and testing aspects of NFPA 1962. Following are some of the key areas of interest we've identified from conversations with distributors and emergency responders.

Hydrostatic Testing Equipment

When hydrostatically testing nozzles and appliances, the following criteria applies:

• Nozzles, appliances, and hardware shall be attached to a hydrostatic pressure source capable of exerting 300 psi, or 1.5 times the manufacturer's recommended maximum. For TFT, many items are rated at 300 psi, so the required equipment needs to exert up to 450-psi hydrostatic pressure, depending on the component being tested.

• The pressure being exerted on the product being tested shall be increased at each level by 50 psi and held for 30 seconds without visible leakage. At the maximum pressure, the hardware shall be held for 60 seconds with no visible leakage.

• Aside from the necessary calibrated gauge on the hydrostati

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Posted: Dec 8, 2013

We've Suffered Enough

By Chris Mc Loone

I always enjoy putting together our December issue. Doing so gives me the chance to check in with industry suppliers and get an idea of where they feel their markets are headed in the coming year. Some might think, "Big deal. The tool manufacturers are optimistic. What's that got to do with me?" The answer is actually quite a bit.

When the manufacturers are saying that municipal budgets are showing less constraint, that means it's time for you to begin ensuring you get a piece of that pie. The Assistance to Firefighters Grant application period just opened, but it is time for us to stop relying on grant monies to accomplish what we need to do. If municipalities are starting to loosen the purse strings even a little bit, make sure you are the first in line to ensure your firefighters get new PPE, or that they get new apparatus that will stay out of the shop, or that they get SCBA that meets the most current edition of NFPA 1981.

You're not going to know whether or not your municipality has the money to spend unless you ask. The whole country knows we have suffered long enough, but what our budget directors are going to want is proof.

Data-Rich Environments

Like it or not, today we live in a world that is driven by data. We look at statistics to predict where the world economy is headed, whether to buy an ambulance or a pumper, or to plan our own capital improvements on our homes. Usually data are available at the click of a mouse. But, one area where many departments still struggle is documenting their activities to use as criteria for capital purchases.

For example, my department is working to achieve national accreditation. This has been a sometimes arduous process, especially in the beginning when we were getting systems in place to collect data regarding our training, our responses, our records, and attendance levels. Data collection required some companies in the department to change certain processes within their own organizations-no easy feat when most of the companies in the department are more than 100 years old and have been using their own processes the entire time.

Although the department is still several months away from finding out if it is accredited, the data we have collected have already resulted in many benefits. For one thing, we now have a more formal "seat at the table" with our elected commissioners. A few tangible benefits have been realized. We received funding for an expanded training program, which includes capital expenditures; we have expanded our training facility with a larger multipurpose training building; we constructed a training/storage building for the various training props and training equipment we have accrued; and, most importantly, at least one public safety training academy will send instructors to our facility for Firefighter I classes.

Another example is a preventive maintenance reimbursement program. The data we have collected have been used as justification for this program, under which each company is reimbursed by the township for preventive maintenance performed on apparatus, equipment, and facilities.

Obviously, not every department will realize such benefits. Economic realities are what they are. However, through a proactive program, it is possible to more effectively place your department "on the map" of your municipality, thus securing the funding necessary for you to continue providing the services your community has come to expect. Being able to prove you are doing what you say you are doing has benefits that transcend just counting pennies. It is hard to argue with data.

We have struggled enough during the economic downturn. The time is now for you to get your "seat at the table" and demand the funding that is long overdue for your department. If you have been assembling data, get them organized and present them effec

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Fire Mechanics Section Board


Posted: Oct 21, 2015


Elliot Courage
North Whatcom Fire & Rescue
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Vice Chair

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Vice Chair

Mike Smith 
Pierce County Fire District #5
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Posted: Oct 21, 2015


Greg Bach
South Snohomish County Fire & Rescue
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Director #1

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #1

Doug Jones
South Kitsap Fire & Rescue
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Director #2

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #2

Paul Spencer 
Fire Fleet Maintenance LLC
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Director #3

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #3

Jim Morris
Mountain View Fire Department
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Director #4

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #4

Arnie Kuchta

Clark County Fire District 6

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Director #6

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #6

Brett Annear
Kitsap County Fire District 18
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Director #5

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #5

Jay Jacks
Camano Island Fire & Rescue
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Legislative Representative

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Legislative Representative

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Immediate Past Chair

Posted: Oct 20, 2015

Immediate Past Chair

Brian Fortner
Graham Fire & Rescue

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