Wasaga Beach has been using a decommissioned fire truck as a bookmobile, reports CTV.
What officials are calling a library on wheels has books, puzzles, videos, games, and musical instruments, and it can travel to any neighborhood in Wasaga Beach, according to the report.
More information about the bookmobile, including budget, schedule, and future plans, can be found in this annual report.
“As an all-new roving service tool, the Wasaga Beach Public Library bookmobile was successful in expanding the reach of WBPL; providing materials, programming, and information to Wasaga Beach residents and visitors who might not otherwise utilize the library’s Glenwood Drive location,” the report says. “Talking to more than 1,100 people about library services, offering unique activities to 476 bookmobile visitors, and circulating 529 items out of the bookmobile are new benchmarks for service that WBPL staff will aim to exceed in 2022.
“The COVID-19 pandemic posed many issues for the launch of the bookmobile, the truck’s scheduling, and service delivery in 2021. Staff are confident that even should the community remain sensitive to pandemic safety measures, the library has a better understanding of how to operate the bookmobile within restrictions, and will strive to ensure that service is expanded is a safe way.
“Staff are confident that the WBPL bookmobile will continue to provide a cost effective way to extend Wasaga Beach Public Library’s presence in the community, reaching out to residents who need information, literature, and Internet access, as well as a little fun.”