By Alan M. Petrillo
Mallory Safety and Supply in Longview (WA), and particularly its fire division manager, have built a better mousetrap, so to speak, when it comes to the body of a Type 6 wildland firefighting truck.
Mike Beutler, Mallory’s fire division manager and chief at the volunteer Wahkiakum County (WA) Fire District #1, says that he conceived of a vehicle that was safer for firefighters while responding, returning, and on the scene. “The vehicle’s low-profile body is made up of modular boxes that can be configured in different formats to meet a fire department’s needs,” Beutler says. “This body design lowers the deck height six inches below a standard flatbed deck, and 11 inches lower than a deck with under-body hose storage.”
Beutler says the Mallory prototype is on a 2020 Dodge D-5500 crew cab 4X4 diesel-powered chassis with a 60-inch cab-to-axle length. The unit has a Mallory/Pro Tech low-profile modular body spring-mounted to the frame rails, and with all aluminum construction using huck bolt fasteners. The rig has a Liquid Spring suspension package on both front and rear axles, and Mallory roll-out, drop-down equipment baskets.
The Type 6 demo is built on a Dodge D-5500 4×4 chassis and crew cab with Liquid Spring suspension packages on both front and rear axles.
The Mallory Type 6 demo has a four-stage wildland pump powered by a Kubota 24-horsepower (hp) diesel engine with 330-gallon polypropylene water tan, an eight-gallon low-mount foam cell and a Waterous Fire Troll Foam System, Beutler points out. “The vehicle has dual LOFA Industries engine control panels,” he says, “an engine throttle with in-cab control, all welded stainless-steel pumping, FRD water and foam level gauges, and a FRC mini gauge in the cab.”
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Posted: Mar 24, 2022
Darley—Mountain Lake Fire Company, Belvidere, NJ, CAFS pumper. Vision poly body; Spartan Metro Star cab and chassis; Cummins L9 450-hp engine; Darley LDMBC 1,500-gpm pump; ProPoly™ body and 800-gallon polypropylene water tank; 25-gallon foam cell; FoamPro Class A foam system; AutoCAFS compressed air foam system; enclosed Vision pump panel. Dealer: Neal Brooks, Darley Company, Braceville, IL.
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Posted: Mar 23, 2022
ID state officials announced $7 million in federal funding for the construction of a new fire station on the Fort Hall Reservation of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes.
“The funding is designated to address the inadequate facility needs of the Fort Hall Fire Department and EMS operations,” a statement says. “Current facilities rely on antiquated equipment, decrepit structures, failing infrastructure, and poor location and access. The project will provide high-quality essential services to protect the lives and property of Reservation residents, employees, and visitors, as well as the surrounding communities.”
The funds are part of nearly $24 million eight projects in ID’s Second Congressional District in the FY22 Omnibus Appropriations Act. The projects are located in Idaho Falls, Fort Hall, Dubois, Hailey, and Boise.
“As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I believe I have a responsibility to balance two very important goals – the need to limit the growth of the federal government and the need to provide vitally important funding to deserving priorities in the State of Idaho,” said Congressman Mike Simpson. “The projects I have submitted for funding this year will have a range of critical benefits—whether it is better equipping our Idaho National Guardsmen, expanding workforce development programs, or increasing our affordable housing stock—these are worthy projects that may not have been eligible for federal funding but for the Community Project Funding (CPF) process.”
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