
WFC News

Posted: Sep 13, 2022

Rock VFD (OK) Raising Funds for New Fire Station

An Osage County volunteer fire department is raising money to finish a new fire station, 6/KOTV reported.

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Posted: Sep 13, 2022

Vancouver mayor's house targeted by arson police say

On Monday night, police in Vancouver responded to reports of arson at the home of the city’s mayor. According to the Vancouver Police Department, officers were called out at about 9:40 p.m. to the home of Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle and her husband, Terry Ogle, in the 3500 block of F Street. Terry Ogle reportedly confronted the suspect who was trying to start a fire near the home’s garage while the mayor was gone at a city council meeting at the time.
- PUB DATE: 9/13/2022 3:10:03 PM - SOURCE: My Northwest
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Posted: Sep 13, 2022

Swan Quarter (NC) VFD Will Hold Open House for New Fire Station

Members of the Swan Quarter Volunteer Fire Department (SQVFD) will hold a dedication, ribbon cutting and open house for their Lake Comfort Fire Station September 24, reported.

The location of the new facility is 149 NC 94, Swan Quarter, NC 27885.

The ceremony will begin at 11 a.m., followed by refreshments, and an open house until 3 p.m. The new station will be open for touring and the public is welcome to attend.

A Communities Facility grant and a long-term loan from USDA-Rural Development eventually made the project possible.

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Posted: Sep 13, 2022

New Fire Station Coming to North Middletown (KY)

A new fire station is coming to North Middletown, thanks to a grant from the Community Development Block program, WTVQ reported.

The $520,000 grant will help fund the new fire station, which will be built in conjunction with a project for a new community safe room and community center, the report said.

The community safe room will allow up to 600 people to be sheltered from potentially deadly weather. Construction is expected to begin in early 2023, according to the report.

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Posted: Sep 13, 2022

Photos from Ramsey (NJ) Day held September 10

Ramsey Day, a family event full of activities, was held Saturday, September 10 in Ramsey (NJ), featuring two old fire trucks on display at the Robert Litchult Fire Safety Building.

The two trucks on display were an 1885 Babcock Chemical Engine, The Phoenix, purchased for $185 from the Rutherford (NJ) Fire Department in 1899, and a 1927 American LaFrance, a 600 GPM pumper. The LaFrance was the first new and first motorized piece of fire apparatus purchased by the Ramsey Fire Department from the manufacturer. It still runs and pumps today. It serves as a public education piece, and a favorite in the town’s Home for the Holidays parades, ushering in Santa, and funeral details.

1927 American LaFrance.
The LaFrance was the first new and first motorized piece of fire apparatus purchased by the Ramsey Fire Department from the manufacturer.
The LaFrance still runs and pumps today.
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