
WFC News

Posted: Sep 9, 2022

Man with a history of arson arrested at Motel 6 fire in Wenatchee

40-year-old Chris Blanchard is behind bars as of Friday after allegedly setting fire to a room at the Motel 6 in Wenatchee early today. Wenatchee Police say they received a call about the fire just after 1 a.m. Police say witnesses pointed out Blanchard as the person who was walking out of the room when the fire began.
- PUB DATE: 9/9/2022 5:40:00 PM - SOURCE: iFiber One News Radio
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Posted: Sep 9, 2022

Historians Hope to Restore Recently Discovered 1939 Cameron (MO) Fire Truck

The Cameron (MO) Historical Society recently received word about a 1939 fire truck that once operated in the city, reported. The historical society is requesting donations from the public to bring the fire truck back to its original home.

A fund has been established through Bank Northwest in Cameron. Those wishing to make a donation can visit Bank Northwest at 814 North Walnut in Cameron, or call the bank at (816) 632-7000.

A Tennessee man bought the fire truck intending to restore it as a pickup truck. But when he saw the lettering, which said Cameron, Truck #2, he reached out to the Cameron Historical Society to gauge their interest, the report said.

Originally asking $7,500 for the old fire truck, the Tennessee man quoted the historical society a price of $6,000. A local resident who will be traveling to Tennessee offered to take a flatbed and transport the fire truck home to Cameron. The truck is included in the 1939 Cameron film when it was brand new, the report said.

The historical society is excited about the find, the report said, but lacks the funds to buy it. The society feels the truck (pictured above) should belong to the people of Cameron for the enjoyment of the community, the report said.

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Posted: Sep 9, 2022

Victoria (MN) to Buy Land for New Fire Station

The city of Victoria (MN) recently agreed to buy land for construction of a new fire station, reported.

The City Council at its August 22 meeting approved a final purchase agreement calling for the city to buy about six acres of land at 8101 Kochia Lane, which is property owned by Holy Family Catholic High School, the report said.

The city agreed to pay $664,000 for the land, with other fees and costs raising the total amount to about $699,000, according to a fire official.

The current fire station on 80th Street is 40 years old and has several deficiencies. It would no longer be used as a fire station if/when a new one is built, according to a fire official.

Construction is expected to begin in 2025. The new station would serve the city’s 2040 growth area expectations. Once that growth area expands, a second fire station would be necessary, the report said.

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Posted: Sep 9, 2022

New Fire Truck Set to Serve Fresno County (CA)

The Fresno County Fire Department and the Table Mountain Casino helped welcome the new 105-foot aerial ladder truck Thursday, reported.

According to the fire department, the new truck has all the latest bells and whistles and will be serving the Table Mountain Casino-Resort and the Friant/ Millerton areas.

The truck will be held in the Millerton fire station and will help protect the existing homes and the new developments in the area, the report said.

Photo submitted by the Fresno County Fire Department.
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Posted: Sep 9, 2022

Celina (TX) Breaks Ground on First Fire Station in Denton County

Celina (TX) broke ground Thursday on what will be the first fire station in Denton County, reported.

The new station, Celina’s third, will be located at 4400 FM 1385. A fire official said the new station will give the department a presence on the far west side of Celina, as well as in the region. 

The building, which features five bays, will eventually house a ladder truck, an engine and an ambulance, making the facility a three-company station, the report said.  

With construction on such a project usually taking 12-14 months, a fire official said the building would likely be complete around the third quarter of 2023. Projections presented at the July City Council meeting indicated the station is expected to be operational by October 2023, according to the report. 

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