Posted: Aug 12, 2022
PHOTOS: In a nondescript warehouse outside of Atlanta, nestled among the office parks and chain restaurants that pepper suburban America, AT&T is preparing for catastrophe. This is one of the company's Network Disaster Recovery (NDR) sites, a place where a volunteer group of AT&T workers can test and train on equipment that can quickly spin up connectivity when a local office is destroyed.
- PUB DATE: 8/12/2022 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: EnGadget
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Posted: Aug 12, 2022
Nearly a half-century after arson killed 32 people in a New Orleans gay bar, the City Council has renewed the search for the remains of four victims, including three who were never identified.
The UpStairs Lounge burned on June 24, 1973, killing 31 men, including two whose mother died with them, and injuring another woman and 14 men.
- PUB DATE: 8/12/2022 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: WWL-TV CBS 4 New Orleans
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Posted: Aug 12, 2022
The Milwaukee Fire Department has opened the door for more people to become firefighters. Milwaukee Fire Chief Aaron Lipski said the change is a long time coming.
The Milwaukee Fire Department can now hire anyone who is legally hirable, whether they’re a United States citizen or not. Chief Lipski said the department can benefit from more diversity, people who are multilingual and anyone who wants to serve their community.
- PUB DATE: 8/12/2022 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: WITI-TV FOX 6 Milwaukee
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Posted: Aug 12, 2022
It’s the deadlier than fire, on-the-job danger every firefighter faces - cancer. The CDC has found cancer is now the leading cause of death among firefighters, and the World Health Organization has now defined firefighting as a cancer-causing profession.
In May 2021, News 13 debuted its investigative documentary Deadlier than Fire, focusing on the need for presumptive worker’s compensation benefits for North Carolina firefighters diagnosed with cancer.
- PUB DATE: 8/12/2022 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: WLOS-TV ABC 13 Asheville
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Posted: Aug 12, 2022
Crews are investigating a rooftop fire that broke out in north Seattle on Thursday evening. According to the Seattle Fire Department, the fire began around 9:45 p.m. on the roof of a four-story apartment complex in the 500 block of North 85th Street in the Greenwood neighborhood.
Crews managed to keep the fire from spreading beyond the roof.
- PUB DATE: 8/12/2022 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: KOMO-TV ABC 4 Seattle
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