
WFC News

Posted: Jun 9, 2022

Historic Flood-Fighting Engine 6 Makes its Way Back to Rapid City (SD)

Rapid City’s Engine 6—a legendary fire engine used during the 1972 Black Hills Flood—was on display at the Journey Museum & Learning Center Wednesday and Thursday.

An eight-cylinder Detroit diesel with a manual transmission and 500-gallon tank, Engine 6 is a 1971 American LaFrance. It was used in rescue efforts during the first night—June 8, just about 50 years ago to the day—of the flood.

The apparatus was in service with Rapid City Fire Department from 1971 to 1994, officials say.

Learn more about the engine as well as the flood here.

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Posted: Jun 9, 2022

Barbecue fire destroys Spokane Valley garage

A barbecue fire destroyed a detached garage Thursday in Spokane Valley. The homeowner told the department he was preheating his barbecue in the garage to keep it out of the wind before finding his garage on fire. Crews responded around 5:35 p.m. and found the garage at 7225 E. Carlisle Ave. on fire with no other structures threatened, according to a Spokane Valley Fire Department news release.
- PUB DATE: 6/9/2022 1:13:00 PM - SOURCE: Spokane Spokesman-Review - Metered Site
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Posted: Jun 9, 2022

Simply Dashing: Burton (SC) Fire Engineer Creates Extrication Tool

Burton Fire District Engineer/Advanced EMT Brittany Nicotri has built five new dash roller tools—extrication equipment—for her team.

Used to push the dashboard away from motorists when they’re trapped in a vehicle, the new equipment is now equipped on each fire truck.

The new tool is not only life-saving, it’s also cost-saving.

“Retail cost of such tools over $1,500. Cost to Burton taxpayers $140,” a Facebook post reads. “Eng. Nicotri represents the service orientated commitment and character of firefighters everywhere, and we are proud she wears our uniform.”

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Posted: Jun 9, 2022

GA Fire Department Purchases TX Truck, Crashes on Way Home

The Coffee County (GA) Fire Department’s purchase Monday of a 1993 International fire truck from SMJ Equipment (TX) was supposed to be a great day. Unfortunately, a blown tire led to the apparatus crashing Tuesday en route to its new home back in Douglas (GA).

Luckily, no injuries were reported.

It all started when fire officials flew to TX to bring the truck back; they say they inspected it prior to leaving. However, about 70 miles into the trip the right front tire gave out and sent the truck off the road, reports

The truck was lying on its side in a ditch beside US 90 near Beaumont.

Officials say the county has insurance on the truck, and, if it’s a total loss, it will look for another truck.

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Posted: Jun 9, 2022

‘The Future Is [Almost] Here’: Minot (ND) Breaks Ground on $3.8M Fire Station 5

Residents in northwest Minot won’t have to wait much longer for improved fire protection, as FA reported earlier.

Although heavy equipment has already been working at the site along Fourth Avenue NW for weeks, Fire Chief Kelli Kronschnabel and others helped “officially” break ground for Fire Station 5 on June 6.

“Every time I drive by here, I think back to when the discussion of Fire Station 5 in this location first began, and I appreciate how far we’ve come with this project,” Kronschnabel said at a groundbreaking ceremony. “For the past couple years, we’ve a sign here that says ‘Future home of Fire Station 5.’ Well, the future is here. We’re happy to become part of this neighborhood. I’m looking forward to seeing you all here again next summer when we celebrate Fire Station 5’s grand opening.”

Related Articles:
$4.2M Fifth Fire Station on the Horizon in Minot (ND)
Minot (ND) City Council Expedites Approval of Engine Purchase
Minot (ND) Fire Apparatus on Display

City Manager Harold Stewart and Mayor Shaun Sipma joined Kronschnabel in celebrating the construction of Fire Station 5.

“There’s a lot of satisfaction and pride taken by this community with regards to our fire department, and we want to continue to hold that standard,” Stewart said. “Improvements like this will help us to continue to hold that standard and improve that standard for the foreseeable future.”

Sipma highlighted the ongoing commercial and residential growth happening in northwest Minot, as well as a new high school on north hill, as reasons why Fire Station 5 is so important.

“The changing landscape of northwest Minot requires that the City of Minot’s commitment to fire safety must evolve, too. That’s why we’re here today,” Sipma said. “It’s critical that the expanding business community in northwest Minot is afforded the same peace of mind regarding proper fire and emergency response as other parts of our community. That’s why we’re here today.”

Construction on the approximately $3.8 million project is under way and expected to be complete in the spring of 2023, with the station being operational later that summer.

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