
WFC News

Posted: Jun 12, 2018

$1.2 Million Grant for Tangent (OR) Fire Station Upgrade

Democrat Herald


The station was constructed in 1989, and new earthquake standards were released in 1997. The Tangent Fire District paid $8,000 for a company to complete an engineering study focused on the building's needs in the event of a major earthquake.

Casebolt said key projects will include new roof sheeting and removing the roller bay doors and replacing them with sliding doors that will open even if the building flexes.

“The front door posts will also be replaced with welded I-beams,” he said.


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Posted: Jun 12, 2018

Long Lake (MN) Fire Truck Struck by Falling Tree in Storm



According to Fire Chief James Van Eyll, the department was responding to a routine wire down call while they were driving on County Road 15 in Orono. A tree fell across the road in front of them.



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Posted: Jun 12, 2018

Lufthansa Airbus A340 Damaged By Fire From Frankfurt Airport Truck

USA Today


Ten airport workers, including ground crew and emergency responders, suffered smoke inhalation injuries that The Associated Press described as “minor.”

Lufthansa said it was not clear what led to the blaze. Images showed significant burn marks around the flight deck and front of the A340. The A340 was painted in a special Star Alliance livery.

“The aircraft is heavily damaged,” Lufthansa said in a statement to Reuters, adding to the news agency that the aircraft had been scheduled to used Monday for Lufthansa Flight 426 from Frankfurt to Philadelphia.



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Posted: Jun 12, 2018

Berryhill (OK) Fire Department Innovations To Reduce Stress, Stay Healthy

News On 6


Berryhill Fire Department, which has never lost a firefighter on duty, built a station that reduces some of the common stressors firefighters face.

Hall says his department worked with an architect for more than a year to design a low-stress station, like installing a slide instead of a pole.

“This is better on knees, and backs, and necks and nobody falls two stories,” he said.

They also have a smart screen designed to be easier on the eyes, especially when rushing out of bed in the middle of the night.  The screen will show different colors for different call types – red is for fires – and the quickest route will be shown in blue.

“It will give us a different color so that we have the initial knowledge in our brain to go to that, that set of memories,” said Hall.

There’s a room for crews to decontaminate after a call.  They also check each other’s health often.



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Posted: Jun 12, 2018

After Over a Year of Waiting, Columbia County (GA) Fire Rescue Gets Its Third Aerial Truck


The truck also offers a tool to minimize miscommunication among their crew. Firemen now have headphones to communicate with each other that reach up to a 1,000 foot radius. Before the headphones, they were using hand signals to communicate.  "With our communications, we're able to get out of the truck with our headphones on when we're going to an incident then we can actually talk back and forth where there's no confusion from the chaos of the scene," Bleemel said.


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