
WFC News

Posted: Apr 1, 2018

Common Fire Apparatus Engine Maintenance Mistakes

fama forum Chris Crowel
Fire Apparatus Manufactures Association logo

Experience is a good teacher until technology changes. With recent advances in chemistry and engine technology, things can get pretty confusing.

There are also some common misconceptions that can lead to expensive repairs. You invested in the latest technology for your apparatus—it might be time to review the more common engine maintenance oversights. Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association (FAMA) member companies want your apparatus and equipment to be functioning properly at all times and hope you will find this article helpful.

Air Filters

An air filter failure is the most expensive mistake that can easily be avoided. Most chassis are equipped with an air restriction indicator that gives a general idea of filter life. However, you can’t go by the restriction indicator alone—there is also a time factor. Some manufacturers specify changing the air filter element at each oil change while others have an annual filter change requirement.

There are three key considerations when changing the air filter. Blowing out air filters with compressed air can tear the paper element, resulting in a leak path that allows dirt to directly enter the engine. When changing the air filter, ensure that air system clamps are straight and tight to prevent loosening during operation. When inserting the element into the canister, make sure that it is seated squarely against the filter housing before tightening.

Cooling System Fill

Liquid cools better than air. Newer technologies such as exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) coolers that cool 1,200-degree exhaust gas with 200-degree engine coolant have a challenging job. Public enemy number one for EGR coolers is air in the cooling system. With many remote components, like heater cores, it can be a challenge to get all the air out of the system.

To get a complete cooling system fill, vacuum coolant fill systems are the best approach. If a vacuum system is not available, make sure to fill the system at a rate of no more than three gallons per minute with premixed heavy-duty engine coolant. Manufacturers may also have specific instructions to open particular vents when filling to ensure a complete fill.

Cooling System Maintenance

Today there are many chemical compositions of coolants that may require different maintenance programs. Know what coolant was used when your apparatus was built and top off the fluid with the same chemistry. Most manufacturers include a label near the fill location to identify the correct coolant. Contamination with greater than 25 percent of the system volume can require draining the system.

Different coolant chemistries also have different suggested testing requirements that range from testing at each oil change to testing over a given number of years. These may vary from using a test strip at each oil change to sending in a coolant sample for testing after two to three years. Complete coolant replacement can vary from two to eight years depending on the initial coolant used.

Failure to maintain the cooling system can lead to water pump seal leaks and much more expensive repairs such a

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Posted: Apr 1, 2018

Technology Continues to Enhance Aerial Fire Apparatus Operation

Technology, specifically electronics technology, has made deep inroads in positively affecting the performance and utility of aerial apparatus, whether platforms or straight sticks.

And with the increased use of technology on aerials, its deployment shows many benefits for firefighters operating and using the apparatus from safety perspectives to ease of use and ease of placement of the rigs.

Aerial Ladder Movements

Dave Reichman, national sales manager for Rosenbauer, says that at Rosenbauer, “Technology is the opportunity to keep everyone safer, and a byproduct of that technology is that we can make the operation of the aerial smoother for the operator.” Reichman notes that Rosenbauer’s Smart Aerial technology is standard on all its aerials, whether platforms, straight ladders, or tractor drawn aerials (TDAs).

“Smart Aerial is a tried-and-true system that, along with our programming—especially our soft touch controls—allows us to ramp down aerial movements so there is no jerking of the aerial,” Reichman says. “Soft touch controls buffer the movements so the aerial comes to a smooth stop and won’t allow any lateral whip.” Smart Aerial control screens are located at the turntable, the outrigger control station at the rear of the truck, and in the basket if an aerial platform.

1 Rosenbauer offers either an Aerial Command Seat (shown) or an Aerial Command Pedestal where an operator can use a joystick to operate the Smart Aerial system that controls the aerial device. (Photos 1 and 2 courtesy of Rosenbauer.)

1 Rosenbauer offers either an Aerial Command Seat (shown) or an Aerial Command Pedestal where an operator can use a joystick to operate the Smart Aerial system that controls the aerial device. (Photos 1 and 2 courtesy of Rosenbauer.)

Tim Smits, senior sales manager of aerial products for Pierce Manufacturing Inc., says that technology has affected Pierce’s line of aerial products, especially its Command Zone technology that programs many operational and safety features into the system. “Any standard multiplexed vehicle that Pierce builds has an Aerial Information Center as standard,” Smits points out. “The control screen is built into the turntable, and if we’re dealing with a platform, in the basket too.”

Smits notes that as the aerial moves, the control screen’s active load chart changes to determine the various loads that can be had for various aerial angles and height, as well as for reach and water flow. “The Aerial Information Center also shows data about tip control and the aerial tip temperature, something that’s important because if there is too much heat at the tip, the operator might have to move farther away.”

Paul Christiansen, aerial sales manager for Ferrara Fire Apparatus, says Ferrara recently rolled out a new line of aerial apparatus that use a motion control electrical system to control the ladder. “It allows for better control as far as extension and elevation,” Christiansen says, “and automatically feath

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Posted: Apr 1, 2018

Technology Continues to Enhance Aerial Fire Apparatus Operation

Technology, specifically electronics technology, has made deep inroads in positively affecting the performance and utility of aerial apparatus, whether platforms or straight sticks.

And with the increased use of technology on aerials, its deployment shows many benefits for firefighters operating and using the apparatus from safety perspectives to ease of use and ease of placement of the rigs.

Aerial Ladder Movements

Dave Reichman, national sales manager for Rosenbauer, says that at Rosenbauer, “Technology is the opportunity to keep everyone safer, and a byproduct of that technology is that we can make the operation of the aerial smoother for the operator.” Reichman notes that Rosenbauer’s Smart Aerial technology is standard on all its aerials, whether platforms, straight ladders, or tractor drawn aerials (TDAs).

“Smart Aerial is a tried-and-true system that, along with our programming—especially our soft touch controls—allows us to ramp down aerial movements so there is no jerking of the aerial,” Reichman says. “Soft touch controls buffer the movements so the aerial comes to a smooth stop and won’t allow any lateral whip.” Smart Aerial control screens are located at the turntable, the outrigger control station at the rear of the truck, and in the basket if an aerial platform.

1 Rosenbauer offers either an Aerial Command Seat (shown) or an Aerial Command Pedestal where an operator can use a joystick to operate the Smart Aerial system that controls the aerial device. (Photos 1 and 2 courtesy of Rosenbauer.)

1 Rosenbauer offers either an Aerial Command Seat (shown) or an Aerial Command Pedestal where an operator can use a joystick to operate the Smart Aerial system that controls the aerial device. (Photos 1 and 2 courtesy of Rosenbauer.)

Tim Smits, senior sales manager of aerial products for Pierce Manufacturing Inc., says that technology has affected Pierce’s line of aerial products, especially its Command Zone technology that programs many operational and safety features into the system. “Any standard multiplexed vehicle that Pierce builds has an Aerial Information Center as standard,” Smits points out. “The control screen is built into the turntable, and if we’re dealing with a platform, in the basket too.”

Smits notes that as the aerial moves, the control screen’s active load chart changes to determine the various loads that can be had for various aerial angles and height, as well as for reach and water flow. “The Aerial Information Center also shows data about tip control and the aerial tip temperature, something that’s important because if there is too much heat at the tip, the operator might have to move farther away.”

Paul Christiansen, aerial sales manager for Ferrara Fire Apparatus, says Ferrara recently rolled out a new line of aerial apparatus that use a motion control electrical system to control the ladder. “It allows for better control as far as extension and elevation,” Christiansen says, “and automatically feath

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Posted: Apr 1, 2018

A Cold-Weather Fire Apparatus Close Call

Chris Mc Loone

It’s April, so what I should be writing about is something related to FDIC International 2018—maybe about the more than 700 exhibitors, or the more than 33,000 expected to attend, or how there isn’t a bigger conference and exhibition for the fire service in North America. But, as it often happens in life, events occur that change your plans.

Back in February, the Mid Atlantic region of the country had two Nor’easters occur within days of each other. The first tricked many meteorologists—although at this stage of the game my preferred way of weather prediction involves looking out a window—and what was supposed to be a rain and wind event became a wet snow and wind event. The nature of the storm took many by surprise, and it was not long before the whole area became gridlocked.

We got through most of the day without any calls, but the way it usually goes during weather events like this is that once the calls start, they don’t stop. Most of the calls involved trees into houses, wires down and arcing, and “trees and wires.” Every so often a noncommercial or commercial building fire dispatch would be thrown into the mix, and it was for a noncommercial building fire that I found myself behind the wheel of our first-out pumper.

It was slow going, and as soon as we left the ramp of the firehouse I turned to our captain and told him I was going to take my time as much as was feasible. Driving conditions were not good at this point, and there was no reason to make matters worse by driving like a madman.

We weren’t far from the address of the fire when we were recalled. I checked quickly with the captain to see what way he wanted to head back. We had a very curvy hill coming up, and if he wanted to try turning around, I was open to it. We decided to proceed down the hill. As I approached the hill, I noticed a few twigs falling from one of the trees to my left, which drew my attention to a line of trees. As I looked to see which tree was dropping branches, a large tree fell right in front of me within 10 feet. It was kind of slow motion watching it fall, and there was enough time for me to stop, thankfully.

As it came down, several things went through my mind in rapid succession. First, it became obvious that the timing was right, and I was not going fast enough for it to hit the truck, but if it did it would probably clip the front bumper. Once that computation went through, and concurrent with trying to stop, I thought, “If I slide, I’m going to hit this tree.” As luck would have it, I did not slide and came to a stop. Before I could even breathe a sigh of relief, a light show started to my right as the wires the tree briefly rested on snapped. Quickly, I started to back up, but there were vehicles behind me we had to contend with before I could really get far enough away. Eventually, we did end up turning around to start the 10-minute journey home that took us 25 to 30 minutes because of traffic conditions.

I’m not bringing all this up to tout my driving techniques. I’ve had some time to think about it and my actions, and I have to think I probably would have been going a little faster if it was raining—not much, but potentially fast enough that the tree could have hit part of the truck. It was very unnerving even backing up because there was a whole line of these trees, and the wind and wet snow were not letting up.

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Posted: Apr 1, 2018

A Cold-Weather Fire Apparatus Close Call

Chris Mc Loone

It’s April, so what I should be writing about is something related to FDIC International 2018—maybe about the more than 700 exhibitors, or the more than 33,000 expected to attend, or how there isn’t a bigger conference and exhibition for the fire service in North America. But, as it often happens in life, events occur that change your plans.

Back in February, the Mid Atlantic region of the country had two Nor’easters occur within days of each other. The first tricked many meteorologists—although at this stage of the game my preferred way of weather prediction involves looking out a window—and what was supposed to be a rain and wind event became a wet snow and wind event. The nature of the storm took many by surprise, and it was not long before the whole area became gridlocked.

We got through most of the day without any calls, but the way it usually goes during weather events like this is that once the calls start, they don’t stop. Most of the calls involved trees into houses, wires down and arcing, and “trees and wires.” Every so often a noncommercial or commercial building fire dispatch would be thrown into the mix, and it was for a noncommercial building fire that I found myself behind the wheel of our first-out pumper.

It was slow going, and as soon as we left the ramp of the firehouse I turned to our captain and told him I was going to take my time as much as was feasible. Driving conditions were not good at this point, and there was no reason to make matters worse by driving like a madman.

We weren’t far from the address of the fire when we were recalled. I checked quickly with the captain to see what way he wanted to head back. We had a very curvy hill coming up, and if he wanted to try turning around, I was open to it. We decided to proceed down the hill. As I approached the hill, I noticed a few twigs falling from one of the trees to my left, which drew my attention to a line of trees. As I looked to see which tree was dropping branches, a large tree fell right in front of me within 10 feet. It was kind of slow motion watching it fall, and there was enough time for me to stop, thankfully.

As it came down, several things went through my mind in rapid succession. First, it became obvious that the timing was right, and I was not going fast enough for it to hit the truck, but if it did it would probably clip the front bumper. Once that computation went through, and concurrent with trying to stop, I thought, “If I slide, I’m going to hit this tree.” As luck would have it, I did not slide and came to a stop. Before I could even breathe a sigh of relief, a light show started to my right as the wires the tree briefly rested on snapped. Quickly, I started to back up, but there were vehicles behind me we had to contend with before I could really get far enough away. Eventually, we did end up turning around to start the 10-minute journey home that took us 25 to 30 minutes because of traffic conditions.

I’m not bringing all this up to tout my driving techniques. I’ve had some time to think about it and my actions, and I have to think I probably would have been going a little faster if it was raining—not much, but potentially fast enough that the tree could have hit part of the truck. It was very unnerving even backing up because there was a whole line of these trees, and the wind and wet snow were not letting up.

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