
WFC News

Posted: Jan 18, 2017

Fire Truck Photo of the Day-4 Guys Rescue Truck

Cherry City Volunteer Fire Company, Shaler Township, PA, rescue. Ford F-550 cab and chassis; Ford 6.8-liter 300-hp diesel engine; 12-foot walk-around stainless steel rescue body

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Posted: Jan 17, 2017

FDSOA Apparatus Symposium: Boston (MA) Apparatus Experience

By Chris Mc Loone

The Boston (MA) Fire Department experienced a tragedy on January 9, 2009, when Ladder 26’s brakes failed as it traveled down a hill—eventually reaching a speed of 57 miles per hour—ultimately crashing into a building and killing Lieutenant Kevin Kelley. Initial investigations after this line-of-duty death revealed myriad deficiencies in the department’s fire apparatus maintenance program—both at the fleet level and the company level. Since that time, the department has been going through an evolution. It has been a process to bring the department’s fleet to a point where it is what Lieutenant Jim O’Brien considers “mission-capable.”

Deputy Chief Robert Calobrisi, O’Brien, and consultant Ralph Craven took the stage on the second day of the 2017 FDSOA Apparatus Symposium to discuss where the department’s apparatus fleet was, where it is now, and how it is now going through a significant transition at the fleet maintenance level.

In what Calobrsi described as a “terror ride,” Ladder 26 accelerated to 57 miles per hour in approximately 20 seconds before striking a building, coming to a stop four to six feet in the building. One firefighter on the rig had fastened his seat belt, and only after being told to brace himself because it became evident the truck was going to crash.

As with any process, there will be bumps along the road. After an investigation into the state of the fleet and maintenance procedures, the department began to overhaul the fleet. However, the trucks it was building weren’t appropriate for Boston. They were too big. And, maintenance had not gotten any better. The department laid out a plan for its fleet based on standardization, reliability, accessibility, maneuverability, operability, and braking power.

With support from the mayor and fire commissioner, the department underwent a maintenance division assessment, which is when O’Brien came into the picture.

Craven had initiated a two-phase plan for the fleet. In the second phase, he conducted a shop review. After the shop review, the department determined that its fleet maintenance division required an overhaul as well that included uniform oversight. O’Brien has taken on that role. Since taking charge of the fleet and its maintenance division, the department has added new ladders and has placed an order for new engines. At the fleet management level, he has instituted a system approach, with clear goals. “If you goals are clear,” he said, “you can more easily determine if you are reaching them.”

O’Brien admitted that it is all still a work in process. Having a fleet maintenance division that is supporting the fleet means that the fleet can support the mission of the fire department.

For more information on the Boston apparatus replacement program and fleet management changes, visit

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Posted: Jan 17, 2017

37-year-old man charged with arson for fire at Islamic Center of Eastside in Bellevue; bail set at $1M

Wayne Isaac Wilson, 37, of Bellevue, was charged Tuesday with second-degree arson for the fire at the Islamic Center of the Eastside in Bellevue that heavily damaged the structure early Saturday morning. Bail was increased to $1 million based on his lengthy criminal history. The prosecution also said Wilson was convicted of fourth-degree assault and disorderly conduct last year for an assault on a member of the Islamic Center of the Eastside.
- PUB DATE: 1/17/2017 5:09:08 PM - SOURCE: KCPQ-TV FOX 13
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Posted: Jan 17, 2017

Warren Township (NJ) Rescue Squad Donates Ambulance

The Warren Township Rescue Squad is still in the giving mood to start the new year as they have donated an ambulance to the community of Elberon on Tuesday.

The donation included a ceremony officiated by Deputy Mayor Victor Sordillo, with Warren Township Rescue Squad President Marc Davis on hand, and took place the Warren Township Rescue Squad building, located at 6 Bardy Road.

The Elberon First Aid Squad had only been operating with one old ambulance and was in need of a second vehicle to serve a community of more than 15,000 people. When the members of the Warren Township rescue squad heard about their needs, they made the immediate decision to donate their third ambulance as the squad recently received a new ambulance in November.

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Posted: Jan 17, 2017

Whitehouse Rescue Squad (NJ) Gets Fire Equipment

With the new Whitehouse Rescue Squad vehicle, from left, are Chief Jeff Herzog, Readington Deputy Mayor Betty Ann Fort and Mayor Benjamin Smith.

The Whitehouse Rescue Squad faces a wide variety of rescue challenges, such as motor vehicle crashes, technical rescue incidents, farm rescues, water rescues and entrapments. Providing the best possible rescue services, with the most favorable patient outcome, is greatly enhanced with up-to-date technical components of a rescue vehicle.

In 2016, the Readington Township Committee authorized the purchase of a 2017 KME Heavy Duty Rescue Unit to replace the squad's 1994 vehicle. The vehicle was recently delivered.

The new vehicle is to be equipped with advanced rescue tools for quickly accessing trapped patients, such as hydraulic rescue tools, cutting equipment, rope and water rescue gear, extrication tools, and vehicle stabilization equipment. At the same time, the vehicle is improved for greater safety for the rescuer, with such improvements as airbags, rollover protection and other safety features.

Several years of planning and research went into detailing the specific equipment and capabilities needed in a replacement vehicle. Chief Jeffrey Herzog expressed the squad's gratitude to the Readington Township Committee, "This advanced unit is another tool in our service offerings to our community. We are grateful to the Township for allowing us to continue to provide the best care possible to our residents."

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