
WFC News

Posted: Oct 21, 2016

New Fire Truck Delivered to Morse-Fall Lake (MN) Fire Department

NEW TRUCK for the Morse-Fall Lake (MN) Fire Department arrived Oct. 13. Built by Custom Fire, the pumper tanker had a cost of $500,000 which was split between the Town of Morse and Town of Fall Lake.
Built by Custom Fire, the pumper tanker had a cost of $500,000 which was split between the Town of Morse and Town of Fall Lake. Three years in the planning, the new fire truck has a stainless steel bolted body, 3,000 gallon water tank, 1,500 gallon per minute pump, FoamPro dual agent foam system, drop-down portable tank and ladder storage and LED emergency lighting. Custom Fire also built the department’s 2004 fire truck so many of the parts will be interchangeable. 
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Posted: Oct 21, 2016

Crash on I-75 N in Miami Twp. (OH) Involving Fire Truck Shuts Highway

UPDATE @ 8:05 p.m.: The driver of a small car that hit a fire truck on I-75 North, near I-675, may have suffered a medical emergency or was intoxicated, a trooper with the Ohio Highway Patrol said.

The car was driven through flares that had been set up because the truck, with the Miami Valley Fire District, was there to put out a vehicle fire, the trooper said.

Whether the driver will be cited remains under investigation, the trooper said.

The accident scene is being cleared and the interstate will be open momentarily.

A vehicle accident on I-75 North, in the area of I-675, involving a fire truck has prompted the shutdown of the northbound lanes, according to the Ohio Highway Patrol.

The accident, reported about 6:48 p.m., occurred when a vehicle struck the fire truck, which was tending to a vehicle fire on the interstate, according to Dayton post dispatch.

The driver of the vehicle that hit the fire truck has been taken to Kettering Medical Center. The condition of the driver is not known, but no other injuries are being reported.

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Posted: Oct 21, 2016

Firefighters Question Why Truck Purchased For Kapolei (HI) in Use Elsewhere

A vital piece of equipment, purchased for a growing Leeward community, isn't being used there and firefighters want to know why. Six years ago, the city bought a ladder truck for the East Kapolei fire station. We're told the city spent about $700,000 for it.

The Hawaii Fire fighters Association says Kapolei is one of the busiest areas, but the truck hasn’t been used in East Kapolei.

So where’s the truck now and who’s getting to use it?

The firefighters union says it’s been reaching out to the Honolulu Fire Department for an answer for years.

“If a truck is not there, it does make a huge difference,” said Robert Lee, Hawaii Fire fighters Association president.

Across the street from the East Kapolei fire station is Ka Makana Alii. Lee says there was an alarm incident at the shopping center recently, but the only engine assigned to East Kapolei was out. A tower truck from Kapolei had to make its way over, delaying response time by a few minutes.

“Can those few minutes really make a difference?” KHON2 asked.

“Oh, absolutely,” he replied. “When you look at life and death, four to six minutes, if somebody stops breathing, you can incur brain damage and into death.”

On Thursday, we learned the ladder truck is being used by other fire stations around the island.

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Posted: Oct 21, 2016

New, Shared Hazmat Truck Thanks to Grant; Prescott (AZ), Central Partner for High-Tech Truck

The Prescott Fire Department and Central Arizona Fire and Medical Authority on Oct. 13 put into service their new, jointly purchased HAZMAT response vehicle. Each agency paid half of the bill for the new truck and some new equipment.

This truck, referred to as "HAZMAT 1" will be jointly staffed between both agencies and moved on a quarterly basis between the two agencies’ HAZMAT stations. HM 1 replaces the old HAZMAT van/truck that the team has used for 20 years and was well beyond its service life.

HAZMAT 1 is currently being housed at CAFMA Station 58 on Robert Road in Prescott Valley and will be rotated to PFD Station 75 on Highway 69 in January. These two stations are staffed with members of the Prescott Area Hazardous Materials Response Team, or "PAHMRT." PAHMRT is made up of members of both agencies that are certified Hazardous Materials Technicians. This is the primary HAZMAT response team for the Western half of Yavapai County.

It has taken two years to complete this joint effort between the two agencies and a committee was put together to see it through with members of both departments. This included work on detailed specifications and site visits in Phoenix to look at other HAZMAT units, to being custom built from the ground up at the factory in South Dakota, delivery to Prescott, and then some time to outfit the new vehicle with all of the equipment and onboard systems. This truck is a completely customized vehicle and unlike any other piece of apparatus either department has ever had. 

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Posted: Oct 21, 2016

Have you heard of us? Lacey Fire District 3 seeks greater community awareness

The board of fire commissioners at Lacey Fire District 3 hunkered down Thursday, suggesting ways in which the district might raise its profile and increase community awareness during a special workshop. The workshop was led by meeting facilitator J. Marie Riche, while the five-member commission — Tom Nelson, Sylvia Roberts, Judy Wilson, Gene Dobry and Frank Kirkbride — listened and provided comments.
- PUB DATE: 10/21/2016 3:52:07 AM - SOURCE: Olympian
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