A Brevard County Fire Rescue firefighter-paramedic's head was sliced open when it struck and shattered a glass window during a vehicle-v.-ambulance collision Thursday in Melbourne, Fire Chief Mark Schollmeyer said. The paramedic received 17 stitches, was transported to Holmes Regional Medical Center and released shortly afterwards, Schollmeyer said.
The paramedic received 17 stitches, was transported to Holmes Regional Medical Center and released shortly afterwards, Schollmeyer said. He is expected to return to work next week.
Schollmeyer said the crash happened shortly after 10:30 a.m. at or near Fee Avenue Park. The ambulance crew responded from Fire Station 82 in West Melbourne to a medical call, and the patient was loaded into the back of the ambulance. The paramedic opened a side door to step outside — and that's when the collision occurred.