
WFC News

Posted: Sep 14, 2016

Firefighting Foam Linked to Water Contamination, Injuries Under Fire

A fire suppressant foam linked to the shutdown of two drinking water wells at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base injured a firefighter during a training incident and the Defense Department has launched an investigation to determine how widespread the problem is across the nation.
The firefighter, Michael R. Strouse, was injured when piping inside a fire cab ruptured and shot the chemical at high pressure into his eyes, he said.

"My face was chemically burned and my eyes were really blood shot and they were sore," Strouse said in an interview with this newspaper. "Then the next day I was actually taken off the job."

Strouse, 38, a veteran firefighter for more than a decade at Wright-Patterson, was reassigned to administrative duties. But his condition gradually worsened, he said. He's now been off work for more than three months.

The injury to Strouse comes as concerns over aqueous film forming foam, or AFFF, have soared in recent years.

AFFF has been used in training by the military since the 1970s and is considered more effective than water to extinguish petroleum-based fires.

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Posted: Sep 14, 2016

Fairfield (MT) Fire Apparatus Arrives on 9/11

Fairfield Volunteer Fire Department Chief Ben Rhodes watches as Kendall Weaver backs the newly acquired structure truck into the Fairfield fire hall.
A reflection on the significance of the date on the arrival of a new fire truck 
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Posted: Sep 14, 2016

Houston Firefighters Claim Broken Fire Apparatus Risk Lives

Houston firefighters say they are being forced to use broken equipment while fighting fires in our city and it is endangering lives. Alvin White, the president of the Houston Professional Firefighters Union, made the statement to Channel 2 Investigates on Tuesday. "This is not acceptable. We do not like it,” White said.
A fire truck at station 74 has water leaking from it at about a gallon a minute and requires a hose to be connected when the engine isn’t in use, White said. The engine, which Channel 2 observed leaking, could be out of water when it is needed for a fire if the hose wasn’t connected except during runs, he said.

In another example, firefighters snapped a photo of a 2x4 being used at an angle to keep an overhead radio in place.

A photo given to Channel 2 shows how firefighters used duct tape to fix an air-conditioning problem overhead in a different truck. Tape goes for several feet overhead around air-conditioning vents.

“They had the duct tape around there to hold those vents in place and to cut down on the water condensation from the units,” White said.

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Posted: Sep 14, 2016

Park Hills (MO) Shows Off New Fire Apparatus

Meeting in regular session on Tuesday night, Mayor David Easter started things off by announcing that those present would be able to see the city's new fire truck during the meeting. Part of way through the proceedings, Easter declared a short recess so that council members could go outside and take a look at the recently delivered truck.
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Posted: Sep 14, 2016

Fire Apparatus Drives into Beam, Takes Down Roof at Upstate New York Fire Station

An Upstate New York fire company didn't have to travel far to respond to an emergency Tuesday afternoon: their own firehouse roof collapsed after their own fire truck struck a beam.
Rock Hill Fire Chief Kris Gwiozdowski told the Times Herald-Record that a fire company member was pulling a fire truck out at around 4 p.m. to get ready for a parade on Saturday. As the truck was moving forward out of the bay when it hit a support beam, causing the roof to collapse.

Gwiozdowski said the accident left two bays out of service. A contractor quickly arrived, and the company got the fire police vehicle, the second vehicle that was in the bay, safely out. Neither of the vehicles was damaged and the company remained in service throughout the night.

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