
WFC News

Posted: Aug 15, 2016

Columbia (TN) Receives Donation of Emergency Equipment

The Columbia Fire Department received a step up in its first-responder services by accepting a donation of a monitor/defibrillator from Maury Regional Healthcare Foundation to assist paramedics and EMTs. The donation and training the department will receive is a $35,000 value, funded entirely by the foundation's board of directors.
Maury Regional CEO Alan Watson said one of the hospital's goals has always been to improve the health and wellness of the community. Part of that includes before patients even reach the hospital.

"We not only want to take care of patients at the hospital, but also want to be sure we're improving the lives of people before they come to the facility and after they leave," Watson said. "Working with our Healthcare Foundation to make this donation to the fire department helps us fulfill one of those goals. We're very proud with the partnership between Maury Regional EMS and the Columbia Fire Department. They work very well together.".

The Maury Regional Healthcare Foundation celebrated 10 years of service in June. Over the past five years, the foundation has worked to provide services beyond what is offered at Maury Regional Medical Center, executive director Joe Kilgore said..

Often, firefighter units arrive on the scene of a call before EMS, Critical Care Paramedic at CFD Cody Hill said. With the new equipment, firefighters can see if a patient is having a heart attack and its location prior to EMS arrival. .

"We'll be able to do all of this before EMS arrives on the scene and we can notify the hospital. We'll also notify a cath lab to let them know our EMS crew is going to be coming in with a heart attack, so they can kind of get the ball rolling on everything," Hill said. "That'll save them minutes, which of course could be somebody's life, and they can turn around and go right to the hospital without having to sit on the scene running those tests."

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Posted: Aug 15, 2016

Remington (VA) VFD Celebrates First New Fire Apparatus in 22 Years

The Remington Volunteer and Rescue Department hosted an Engine Housing Ceremony Saturday to celebrate the purchase of a new fire engine, the first in the past 22 years.
The engine, a 2016 Seagrave model that can hold 1,000 gallons of water, cost the department $619,000 and will join two existing firetrucks.

Fire Chief Ian Brill said the all-volunteer department is looking forward to having the new engine in their firefighting arsenal, as the most recent engine was purchased in 1994.

He said the department strives to get at least 20 years of service out of their trucks and engines.

Like many of the volunteer fire companies in Fauquier County, Remington is staffed by a cadre of professional firefighters and EMTs who work in adjacent counties such as Fairfax, Prince William and Loudoun. All together, the department has about 100 volunteers, said Brill.

And also like other volunteer companies in Fauquier County, Remington depends on fund raising activities to purchase equipment such as their new Seagrave engine.

While the county levy for fire services provides most of the day to operation expenses for the department, including fuel costs and some equipment, Brill pointed out is the community, through their donations, that fund major expenses such as new trucks and engines.

"We did some pretty extensive fund raising," Brill said, adding the department depends on events such as the annual Fireman's Carnival, the crab and shrimp dinners, and two sports batches each year. The crab dinner is coming up Sept. 17, he noted.

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Posted: Aug 15, 2016

Monroe (MI) City Council to Consider Next Step on Fire Station

The Monroe City Council will discuss what to do next after the fire station millage failed earlier this month. The council will hold a work session at 6 p.m. Monday in council chambers at the city hall, 120 E. First St., where several options will be presented.
Vincent Pastue, city manager, said the council will weigh its options, which include paying for repairs to the Central Fire Station, 75 Scott St., through the general fund or potentially seeking another millage request as soon as November.

On Aug. 2, city voters rejected 1,197-1,309 a .51-mill, 20-year $6.55 million bond to construct a new station. A similar request was rejected by just six votes last November.

Mr. Pastue and Jody Egen, director of communications, culture and promotions for the city, met with The Monroe News to discuss the next step after two failed millage requests.

The failure of the most recent request caused some to scratch their heads because officials said this time the marketing campaign was targeted with a specific message and detailed information explaining the need for a station.

In addition, a site was selected and architectural plans were created, which were not available for the November election.

Fire Chief Rob Wight said the low voter turnout could have played a factor in the no vote. Only 17 percent of registered city voters cast ballots in the primary election.

"Until after the election, I didn't hear any negative comments about it," he said. "I don't know what the issues are. We had open houses and community conversations and it was all very positive so I think voter turnout could be an issue."

The chief said the department will continue to make repairs to the structure as needed. His top priority is the roof.

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Posted: Aug 15, 2016

Spartan Anthem: Heart and Soul


At Spartan Motors, the compamu strategizes about the road its customers travel and the challenges they face. The Spartan Team works as one to engage with customers and create superior products and services.

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Posted: Aug 15, 2016

Lockheed Martin App Makes Smartphones Function Like Radios

By Alan M. Petrillo

Lockheed Martin Corp. has developed an app that, when registered to a universal communications platform (UCP) server the company makes, allows a user to have push-to-talk radio communications on a Smartphone or laptop.

Lockheed Martin’s Universal Communications Platform (UCP) provides translational communications among any radio frequency or manufacturer, as well as true APCO P25 cellular radio communications, enabling first responders to use personal mobile devices such as Smartphones, laptops, PCs and tablets from any location to access otherwise disparate radio network infrastructures. Shown is the version developed for the Department of Defense by Lockheed Martin. (Photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin.)

Jim Quinn, Lockheed Martin's commercial communications business products, says the UCP integrates any radio communications system using existing communications infrastructure to form a dedicated network to handle voice, video, and data. The UCP also enables firefighters and first responders to assess situations and respond in unison through a common operating picture feature, he notes.

"The UCP provides radio over cellular capability," Quinn points out, "and unlike push-to-talk capability available today, it is a true radio format on a Smartphone when you launch the app. When a phone is registered to a UCP system, it gives the phone the capability of acting like a P25 radio where you have talk groups, zones, a man-down button, and all the standards available on a P25 device."

The Lockheed Martin Tactical Deployable Unit (TDU) is a self-contained, portable system that enables first responders to set up for operation at any place and at any time in under 15 minutes. The TDU includes fully capable communications for operation centers, mobile units, and other applications. (Photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin.)

Quinn says that the talk button on an iPhone is a button on the screen that the user pushes; on an Android device, the user pushes the volume button. "In each case, the Smartphone will function as a radio until the user hits disconnect," he adds. "And, the system is encryptable like a P25 radio, so calls from any handheld phone are encrypted too. It gives fire and medical agencies the capability to conduct operations securely and not worry about intercepts."

The Lockheed Martin app is available at Apple's App Store, Quinn says. "The nonP25 version of the app is free," he notes, "while the P25 version has a charge because of licensing fees. The app has to be registered to a device that has the UCP capability."

The UCP typically is installed at an agency's dispatch center or other communications facility, and Quinn points out, "it can work seamlessly with any console made today." Lockheed Martin also makes a tactical deployable unit (TDU), a self-contained portable system that includes fully capable communications for operations centers and mobile units. "The TDU is designed to fit in a Pelican™ transit case and can connect up to four radios and cellular units," Quinn says.

With its ability to connect any radio and frequency as well as push P25 cellular radio communications to users, the Lockheed Martin United Communications Platform allows the emergency first responders to immediately communicate and coordinate with police, fire

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