Posted: Mar 1, 2023
PHOTOS: A 1920 Seagrave Ladder Truck used in parades and popular with residents is undergoing extensive repairs before returning to the road.
Athol Fire Capt. Eric Jack said the truck is being repaired at Gasper Automotive Restoration in Manchester, CT. According to the company’s web site, it specializes in restoration of vintage trucks, cars and antique fire apparatuses.
- PUB DATE: 3/1/2023 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: Athol Daily News - Metered Site
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Posted: Mar 1, 2023
VIDEOS: Ryan Feeney has a lot of irons in the fire. The full-time Indianapolis firefighter spends his free time as a metal worker at Indy Art Forge, the metal working company he’s owned for 20 years.
“Like all firefighters, you’ve got to have something to do on the side,” Feeney said.
That side job stems from a lifelong interest in art.
- PUB DATE: 3/1/2023 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: WRTV ABC 6 Indianapolis
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Posted: Mar 1, 2023
VIDEOS: The tornado in Norman on Sunday night caused serious damage to buildings.
First responders had to get creative when they saved several people at a postal service training center. Power lines had people trapped inside the building so a deputy had to think quickly to get patients out. "We came up with the idea, that we should load up my car, that way we can get medical attention to patients inside the building," said Deputy Jacob Overling with the Cleveland County Sheriff’s Office.
- PUB DATE: 3/1/2023 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: KOCO-TV ABC 5 Oklahoma City
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Posted: Mar 1, 2023
VIDEOS: According to the American Heart Association, although 65% of people in the United States say they’ve received CPR training at some point in their lives, only 18% of people are up to date on their CPR training.
Captain Justin Pinkley with the Springdale fire department visited 5NEWS to demonstrate how CPR procedures should be performed on both infants and adults.
- PUB DATE: 3/1/2023 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: KFSM-TV CBS 5 Fort Smith
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Posted: Mar 1, 2023
Here's some positive mews to uplift your spirits.
On Feb. 28, firefighters with the South County Fire Department in Snohomish County pulled off a purr-fect rescue. Concerned neighbors heard meowing coming from under a car's hood and called for help.
Captain Crawford and firefighters Olney and Davis swiftly arrived and discovered a cat trapped in the engine compartment of a parked car.
- PUB DATE: 3/1/2023 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: KATU-TV ABC 2 Portland
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