Posted: Jun 13, 2016
The president of a Washington state association of firefighters unions is urging Gov. Jay Inslee to halt oil transport through the state by rail until an investigation into last week’s fiery oil-train derailment in Mosier, Ore., is done.
In a letter to the governor, Dennis Lawson, president of the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters, cited the looming fire season and what he describes as unsafe transportation methods as reasons for the U.
- PUB DATE: 6/13/2016 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: seattle times
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Posted: Jun 13, 2016
Almost two years after the city stopped its ambulance service, Lockport’s two ambulances were auctioned off last week – even though a grievance over the elimination of the service has yet to be resolved.
The ambulances were among a long list of surplus city equipment offered for sale in an online sale through Auctions International.
- PUB DATE: 6/13/2016 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: buffalo news
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Posted: Jun 13, 2016
The Fayetteville Fire Department is ramping up efforts to recruit minorities as it struggles, like many other fire agencies, to diversify its workforce.
Only 3.2 percent of Fayetteville firefighters are black - a figure that trails state and national averages.
Put another way, nine in every 10 Fayetteville firefighters is white in a city where about 42 percent of the residents are black.
- PUB DATE: 6/13/2016 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: fayetteville observer
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Posted: Jun 13, 2016
Fire severely damaged the Meadow Lakes home of Houston Fire Chief Tom Hood Friday, leaving him and his family seeking temporarily shelter from the Red Cross.
Mat-Su Borough emergency responders were dispatched to the fire at about 2:30 p.m., and by about 3:45 p.m., the main body of the fire was extinguished, leaving only spot fires inside the structure to be extinguished, according to incident commander and West Lakes Fire Chief John Fairchild.
- PUB DATE: 6/13/2016 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: Wasilla Frontiersman
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Posted: Jun 13, 2016
The wildfire here last August was so hot and fast that not even metal buildings surrounded by concrete and asphalt could defend Lake Chelan Building Supply from being destroyed in the firestorm.
The Chelan Complex Fire "melted the windows, swept into the buildings and burned from the inside out," said Brett La Mar, owner and general manager of the Chelan lumberyard.
- PUB DATE: 6/13/2016 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: firehouse
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