In this series, Fire Engineering Senior Editor Mary Jane Dittmar looks at the things that motivated and inspired instructors to present on their topics at FDIC International 2016. Segments will be posted on a regular basis up to and through the conference, April 18-23.

Eddie Buchanan, Division Chief Hanover (VA) Fire-EMS
SLICE-RS from the Beginning
Tuesday, April 19, 1:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
The primary purpose for this program is to give firefighters information and examples that will help them implement the lessons from the fire dynamics research from the National Institute of Standards and Technology and Underwriters Laboratories in their fire departments. They have to overcome the challenges of resistance to change and finding a way to get consistent tactics from one shift to the next. There is a lot of information online these days about SLICE-RS, but there is also a lot of misinformation. I wanted to give those interested in fire dynamics implementation an unfiltered overview on the origins of the concept and a chance to ask questions. The point isn’t to sell them on one method over another. They will have to decide what approach they want to use in their department.
The feedback on SLICE-RS has been remarkable. The concept is the basis for the International Society of Fire Service Instructor’s Principle of Modern Fire Attack program, which has been delivered to more than 12,000 students. We’ve also see adoption of the concept at the state level in various locations around the country. It’s been great to see firefighters operating more efficiently and safer around the country.