FDIC International has long been known for being at the forefront of product innovation. One of the things about FDIC International is that it allows companies to walk the walk when it comes to their products. They are not only putting their products on display during the exhibition component of the show. They are also field testing them. Whether it is a new type of nozzle, a new SCBA, a new SCBA cylinder, or even a new rig, fire service manufacturers look to FDIC International as a testing and proving ground for their new products during hands-on training evolutions.

This year, the weather has been beautiful here in Indy. On day one of HOT training, with sun high and temperatures rising, instructors were wearing what have been dubbed HOT Instructor Firefighter Fatigues™. Supplied by TECGEN®, these sets of PPE were issued to each HOT instructor. And, this year I am sure they appreciated them considering the weather—especially at the vehicle extrication site where there was no shade.
Many of the emergencies to which we respond to not require full firefighter structural PPE. On a 90-degree day in the middle of the summer, working a vehicle accident wearing full structural PPE is physically taxing. The firefighter fatigues donned by HOT instructors protect firefighters from cuts while working an extrication, for example. They are lighter, so wearers do not get as hot—which was a big deal in the sun on HOT Day 1.
It’s always nicer training when the weather is nice, and this year HOT attendees are getting two great days to be outside. And even if most of your HOT class is taking place inside, there’s nothing like coming outside on a beautiful spring day after working hard training on RIT, forcible entry, live fire attack, flashover simulation, urban essentials, or the myriad other hands-on training classes available to FDIC International attendees.