In this series, Fire Engineering Associate Editor Rob Maloney looks at the things that motivated and inspired instructors to present on their topics at FDIC International 2016. Segments will be posted on a regular basis up to and through the conference, April 18-23.

Steve Crothers
Seattle (WA) Fire Department
How To Be A Dynamic Instructor
Tuesday, April 19, 1:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
“I wanted to create a class that allows subject matter experts the ability to take their knowledge and become strong communicators,” says Steve Crothers of the Seattle (WA) Fire Department, “to create an environment where instructors can build on specific characteristics that allow them to engage, challenge, and flourish in the classroom or on the drill court. Even the most mundane topic can come alive when the instructor provides the student a reason to listen. There is nothing better for an instructor than seeing the spark in the student’s eye—learning has occurred, and you facilitated it.” That’s why he’s presenting the FDIC International workshop “How to Be a Dynamic Instructor.”
“FDIC is a mecca for learning and discovery,” Crothers says, “and enjoying the camaraderie of fellow firefighters from around the country. FDIC gives you exposure and access to the rest of the fire service like no other place.”
“I have always been able to take and communicate information in an exciting passionate way. I love exploring ways to take a stagnant curriculum and develop it into one that is strong, effective, and relevant. When you can make learning easier or enjoyable, you provide your students with a powerful gift.” Crothers continued, “You have an opportunity to take students on a journey and, if done well, they will stay engaged for the next leg, looking forward to what’s around the next corner. That is an exhilarating and intoxicating feeling that motivates me to improve and enhance my instruction.”
Outside the firehouse, Crothers says, “My family is my number one hobby. I have a beautiful, understanding, and supportive wife with two incredibly wonderful children. I’m extremely active teaching fire departments around the country. This gives me the opportunity to spend time with amazing people in firehouses all over this great land.”