For nearly 18 months, North Fond du Lac citizens and officials have debated about whether to acquire a ladder fire truck. Issues over cost, necessity and public safety have been hotly debated. But no resolution has been forthcoming. After months of discussion, the North Fond du Lac Village Board voted this week on a motion to purchase a new ladder truck.
After months of discussion, the North Fond du Lac Village Board voted this week on a motion to purchase a new ladder truck. The motion ended in a tie, with two members for the purchase and two members against the purchase. The fifth board member was not present due to a family emergency, according to Chuck Hornung, the village administrator.
"We're not sure what the next step is," said Hornung, who added that the issue might be brought up at a future board meeting.
The fire department's current aerial ladder truck, No. 505, built in 1986, is 30 years old, which is an old age for a fire truck. Many say the truck is unsafe for the village's firefighters. Members of the fire department have been looking into 100-foot models of ladder trucks to add to their current two-pumper trucks, taking into consideration the houses and apartment complexes that are set back from the road. If a fire happened in those situations, a taller ladder would be needed to reach fires in upper floors.
A new 100-foot ladder truck would cost the village $850,000. North Fond du Lac resident John Duffy, who attended the Monday meeting, said that some board members were concerned about where the money would come from to buy the truck.