The Eureka Springs Fire Department is starring in a documentary created by Pierce Manufacturing.
Devin Klesmith, who works with Pierce Manufacturing, said the documentary will feature ESFD's new ladder truck.
Fire Chief Randy Ates explained that ESFD recently ordered the ladder truck from Pierce Manufacturing with the help of a grant, saying the truck helps firefighters navigate the narrow streets of Eureka Springs.
"Because ladder trucks reach a certain length on the ladder, the body starts to get long as well. That won't work for us," Ates said. "The new truck will carry the weight because of numerous technological improvements."
The truck, Ates continued, has a 107-foot ladder on a 75-foot frame. He said the truck is innovative and would have cost the department $1 million without the grant. With the grant, Ates said the department spent only $37,500 for the truck.
Klesmith said her crew will be filming in Eureka Springs until the end of Thursday. So far, she said she's enjoying the town.