delivery of the month |
Ferrara-Harristown (IL) Fire Protection District, pumper. Cinder cab and chassis; Cummins ISL 450-hp engine; Hale Qflo Plus 1,250-gpm pump; UPF Poly 1,000-gallon tank; FRC Spectra scene lights. $414,000. Dealer: Mark Nixon, AEC Fire Safety & Security Inc., Springfield, IL. |
Pierce-Carbondale (IL) Fire Department, Encore rescue. Freightliner/Pierce cab and chassis; Cummins ISB 360-hp engine; 16-foot walk-around rescue body; Onan 25-kW generator; Hannay electric cord reels in front bumper; Amkus EX2S-XL power unit. $286,000. Dealer: Rob McAtee, Global Emergency Products, Whitestown, IN.
E-ONE-National Park Volunteer Fire Department, Gloucester County, NJ, pumper. Typhoon cab and chassis; Cummins ISL 450-hp engine; Hale Qmax 2,000-gpm pump; UPF Poly 780-gallon tank; Will-Burt Night Scan light tower; Harrison 8-kW generator; Akron Apollo Hi-Riser deck gun. $492,000. Dealer: Bill Dukes, 1st Choice Fire Apparatus, Hanover Township, PA. (Photo by Dennis C. Sharpe.)
Rosenbauer-Glendale Volunteer Fire Department, Coalport, PA, pumper. International 7400 4x4 cab and chassis; MaxxForce9 330-hp engine; Hale RSD 1,500-gpm pump; UPF Poly 500-gallon tank; 30-gallon foam cell; Hale FoamLogix 2.1A Class A foam system. $301,000. Dealer: Rick Smith, Kaza Fire Equipment Co., Ebensburg, PA.
Spartan ERV-Millburn (NJ) Fire Department, pumper. Spartan Gladiator cab and chassis; Cummins ISX15 550-hp engine; Hale Qtwo 1,500-gpm pump; UPF Poly 500-gallon tank; 30- and 40-gallon foam cells; Hale FoamLogix 5.0 dual-agent foam system; Will-Burt Chief NS 1.8 3,000-watt light tower; Smart Power 10-kW generator. $577,866. Dealer: Robert Paleczny, Campbell Supply Co., South Brunswick, NJ. (Photo by John M. Malecky.)
HME-Lockheed Martin, Marietta, GA, two SilverFox pumpers; 1871-SFO cabs and chassis; Cummins ISL9 330-hp engines; Hale Qflo Plus 1,250-gpm pumps; 1,000-gallon polypropylene tanks; 30-gallon foam cells; Hale FoamLogix 2.1A Class A foam systems; FoxTrax tool boards. $500,858. each. Dealer: Steven Bowles, HME Inc., Johns Creek, GA.
KME-Bradley Beach (NJ) Fire Department, mini pumper. Ford F-550 crew cab and chassis; Power Stroke 6.7-liter diesel engine; Hale DSD 1,250-gpm pump; 250-gallon polypropylene tank; booster reel inside rear compartment; Honda 5-kW portable gas generator; four crew seats with SCBA; FRC Spectra 12V telescoping scene lights. $225,000. Dealer: Jim Phillips, First Priority Emergency Vehicles, Manchester, NJ. (Photo by Adam Alberti.)
Midwest Fire-Jamestown (ND) Rural Fire Department, pumper-tanker. Freightliner M2 cab and chassis; Cummins ISL 350-hp engine; Darley LSP 1,000-gpm pump; APR polypropylene 3,000-gallon tank; three Newton 10-inch s