
WFC News

Posted: Oct 2, 2013

Fire Industry Suppliers Support Recruitment Project

Kasha Stoll

Fire runs through Robbie Smith's veins, fueling him with purpose and passion. It gave the child a goal and the man a mission. "I absolutely love firefighting," says Smith, who served for 23 years as a firefighter at stations in Missouri. "I want to get kids excited and bring them into the fire department at an early age. I want them to know that firefighting is an amazing career."

And what better way to excite than with a working, kid-sized pumper with a customized grille, roll-up doors, aluminum ladder, hose and compartment covers, reflective chevrons, engine hand throttle, working head and tail lights, pressure gauges, trim ring, a tank level monitor display, and a fire truck seat?

Several companies contributed to Smith's project. Following is a list of companies and the
equipment they provided for the miniature fire apparatus.

The Allure

"When you hear the clang of the bell and whining of the siren, when you see the fire engines go by, it stirs up feelings," says Ken Menke, president of PowerArc Warning Lights. PowerArc was one of several companies that donated equipment for the project (see sidebar). "Every firefighter will tell you that they got excited by fire trucks when they were little," Menke says. "It's at the heart of all children."

To reach those hearts, Smith spent more than 10 years and 3,500 hours designing and developing a miniature fire engine that accurately represents the industry. He wanted to honor the men and women who are willing to risk their lives in service to others. "We lost a brother on an early morning grass fire," he says, referring to his time in the fire service. "This [fire engine] is in memory of our fallen brothers and sisters. Everywhere I travel and display the truck it reminds me of the sacrifices made."

Smith plans to display the nearly completed minipumper at trade shows, parades, county fairs, and anywhere kids and future firefighters can be found. He introduced the truck at the 2013 Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC) in R⋅O⋅M Corporation's booth in April. One month later, Smith showed the truck in Grovespring, Missouri, at the 10-99 Products "Cruise-in," a fire apparatus and tow truck display for kids.

He says the response so far has been "overwhelming in such a great way," with many long-time firefighters calling it amazing.

golf cart/fire engine
(1) Robbie Smith fabricated the chassis by hand. He stored the golf cart/fire
engine in his garage during the 10-year project. (Photos courtesy of R⋅O⋅M

The Dream

The idea came to Smith in 2001 during his time off from the station. He had what he calls a spontaneous idea to build a fire truck out of a golf cart and display it in parades and public events. He sat down, drew a design, and scaled it to just under half size.

Then he called James Holloway, owner of South Central Golf in West Plains, Missouri. Holloway appreciated Smith's passion and wanted to help. He donated a Cusheman golf cart and the entire drive train. Then he watched in amazement as Smith hand-crafted the chassis. "Every piece of that chassis was fabricated," James says. "There were no molds or kits. Everything was cut out, fitted, and welded by hand. The fabrication was unreal."

As Smith's dream started to take shape, he began calling companies that provide equipment for fire apparatus

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Posted: Oct 2, 2013

Evaluating Technology

By Richard Marinucci

My brother is the only person I know who does not own a cell phone. He says he doesn't want one and doesn't need one. Even though most people cite the convenience of having a cell phone, my brother looks at it as an inconvenience. He does not want to be tied to a phone or be interrupted when he is doing something else. If you want to talk to him, call his house and leave a message and he will get back to you when it is convenient. His lifestyle does not seem to be adversely affected by his decision.

Conversely, my adult children all have the latest cell phones and do not have land lines. They like the instant communications with the phone calls, texts, and e-mails. They also know if the phone rings, it is for them. They are connected 24/7 and their phones take precedence-even over in-person communications. They will interrupt a conversation with me to answer their phone or a text. Some may consider this rude, like me, but they think it is normal.

Whether or not one has a cell phone is his own personal choice, and I am not here to make any value judgments. It seems that some can't live without their phones and others won't live with them. In some ways, this is what all technology is about. Regarding fire departments, there are some that are always on the leading edge, impatient to a fault to adopt the latest and greatest device that promises to make the job easier, faster, and safer. Others continue with what has always seemed to work, either consciously making that decision or being prohibited from doing so because of budgetary issues.

Faster than Ever

There is no doubt that technological changes occur at a faster pace than ever before. As such, fire departments are inundated with information on new products that promise to make the job easier, faster, safer, and generally better. They also promise to save time. Now if they are supposed to save time, how come those who use the newer products are busier than ever? The point here is that not all new technological developments are necessarily applicable to everyone. Keeping up with the Joneses is not a reason to embrace technology. It must be evaluated based on the entire package of the benefits and disadvantages including the cost, time savings, ease of use, practicality, financial benefits, required training, and acceptance by those who will be using it.

During my career, I have met with salespeople who had new products that were essential to what I was doing many times. They always paint a rosy picture designed to tempt me. More often than not, there were some flaws with the products, although these flaws may not have affected the benefits they offered. Like all good salespeople, they try to get an "on-the-spot" decision. Rarely do I give one, either because of my instincts or the fact that what they are offering requires additional approval.

Get Help

When looking at "new and improved," consider some of the things that should help you make a decision. First and foremost, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. I can recall discussions where I reached a point of disbelief and could not contain myself when dealing with an individual. This may not always be the best approach, but it was sometimes helpful at reducing return visits!

Beyond your instincts, use your network-those who have more knowledge and understanding of particular products and those who use the product. For example there are many computer advances. Some have proven to be beneficial to many. Others have been added "fluff," either not delivering what was promised or offering useless enhancements. If you have access to IT personnel, that is great, and these people are good to know. They spend all of their time learning more about these types of technological advances. They also are usually not fire service personnel. As such, they view the world differently

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Posted: Sep 16, 2013

Washington State Fire District receives Life Safety Achievement Award

The Office of the State Fire Marshal is pleased to congratulate the Marysville Fire District for their demonstrated commitment and effective promotion of fire prevention programs in their community, having earned them the distinguished Life Safety Achievement Award for 2012. “The number of fire fatalities in our state are lower each year thanks to fire agencies such as Marysville, making their communities safer” said State Fire Marshal Charles Duffy...

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Posted: Sep 16, 2013

Certification Test Bank Review

The Professional Development & Response Section is currently reviewing new Certification Test Banks for Firefighter 1 and 2.  A requirement of our International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) accreditation is to have our test banks reviewed by a group of third-party subject matter experts. 

We are currently seeking interested fire service members to serve on Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) for these levels.  While selecting members for these TAGs, our goal is to involve a statewide cross-section of Washington’s fire service; including both individuals who have participated before and those new to the process.

We anticipate that these TAGs will meet one full day; Firefighter I on September 26th and Firefighter II on October 1st...

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Posted: Sep 16, 2013

Get the Most from Your Extrication Equipment

Extrication equipment is an important tool that must function as intended and advertised should the need for use arise. When incredible forces are needed to manipulate a vehicle are your tools ready to take on the job? Routine inspection of tools, general maintenance, cleaning, and a program that follows the manufacturer’s guidelines will not only maintain the tool’s function but your trust in its state of readiness. This month we will look at a few ways to prolong the life your extrication equipment and spot potential safety hazards.

As in every other aspect of the job, let’s start with safety. Identifying the potential causes for injury first will aid in your inspection of unsafe conditions. The instruction manual should be reviewed and available to spot specific hazards common to your brand of equipment. Rescue tools commonly operate with pressures in excess of 10,000 pounds per square inch, poorly maintained hoses that are allowed to be driven on, cut, or kinked have the ability to cause injections or laceration. Inspection of hose should include uncoiling or unrolling the entire assembly and checking for abnormal abrasions, blisters, bulges, kinks, or cuts...
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