E-ONE-Benton Fire Department, pumper. Typhoon X cab and chassis; Cummins ISL 450-hp engine; Waterous CSU 1,500-gpm pump; UPF Poly 780-gallon tank. Sold by Chip Crooms, Sunbelt Fire, Fairhope, AL. Delivery in October.
Ferrara-Kelseyville Fire Protection District, Type lll wildland apparatus. International 7400 4x4 cab and chassis; MaxxForce 9 330-hp engine; Waterous CGVK 750-gpm pump; Hale HPX200-KB24 auxiliary pump for pump-and-roll operation; UPF Poly 500-gallon tank; 20-gallon foam cell; FoamPro 1600 single-agent foam system. Sold by Mike Doran, Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Holden, LA. Delivery in September.
Ferrara-Rancho Adobe Fire Department, rescue-pumper. Inferno cab and chassis; Cummins ISX12 450-hp engine; Hale Qmax 1,500-gpm pump; UPF Poly 500-gallon tank. Sold by Skip Grube, Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Holden, LA. Delivery in December.
Ferrara-Downers Grove Fire Department, MVP heavy rescue-pumper. Igniter cab and chassis; Cummins ISL9 450-hp engine; Waterous CSU 1,500-gpm pump; UPF Poly 500-gallon tank. Sold by Bill Neuner, AEC Fire & Safety, Springfield, IL. Delivery in December.
Pierce-Girard Fire Protection District, pumper. Saber FR cab and chassis; Cummins ISL9 450-hp engine; Waterous CXVPA 250-gpm pump; UPF Poly 1,000-gallon tank; Pierce back-up camera system; 10-inch Newton rear dump valve with chute. Sold by Dave Oldham, Global Emergency Products, Aurora, IL. Delivery in January 2017.
Pierce-Waterloo Community Fire Protection District, 107-foot aerial quint. Enforcer cab and chassis; Cummins ISL9 450-hp engine; Hale Qmax 2,000-gpm pump; UPF Poly 500-gallon tank. Sold by Rob McAtee, Global Emergency Products, Whitestown, IN. Delivery in May 2017.
Ferrara-Ward One Rural Fire Department, Delhi, tanker-pumper. Kenworth T400 cab and chassis; PACCAR PX9EV 450-hp engine; Hale Qmax 2,000-gpm pump; UPF Poly 2,500-gallon tank; 100-gallon foam cell; Waterous 200P CAFS. Sold by Shane Dulany, Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Holden, LA. Delivery in September.
Ferrara-Jefferson Parish East Bank Consolidated Fire Department, two rescue-pumpers. Igniter cabs and chassis; Cummins ISL9 450-hp engines; Waterous CSU 1,750-gpm pumps; UPF Poly 500-gallon tanks. Sold by Brad Williamson, Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Holden, LA. Delivery in December.
Ferrara-Jefferson Parrish East Bank Consolidated Fire Department, walk-around heavy rescue. Igniter cab and chassis; Cummins ISL9 450-hp engine; 18-foot rescue body. Sold by Brad Williamson, Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Holden, LA. Delivery in December.
Ferrara-Third District Fire Department, River Ridge, two MVP heavy rescue-pumpers. Inferno cabs and chassis; Cummins ISX12 500-hp engines; Waterous CSY 1,500-gpm pumps; UPF Poly 750-gallon tanks. Sold by Augie Michel, Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Holden, LA. Delivery in December.
Ferrara-Caddo Parish Fire District 3, Shreveport, rescue-pumper. Cinder cab and chassis; Cummins ISL9 450-hp engine; Waterous CSU 1,500-gpm pump; UPF Poly 1,000-gallon tank. Sold by Shane Dulany, Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Holden, LA. Delivery in December.
Ferrara-Caribou Fire Department, tanker-pumper. Freightliner M2 cab and chassis; Cummins ISL9 350-hp engine; Waterous CS 1,250-gpm pump; UPF Poly 1,500-gallon tank; 20-gallon foam cell; FoamPro 1600 single-agent foam system. Sold by Ed Pollard, Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Holden, LA. Delivery in December.
Custom Fab & Body-Hancock Fire Department, pumper-tender. Freightliner M2 cab and chassis; Cummins ISL 330-hp engine; Waterous CSU 1,50