Pittsfield firefighter Jason Herren, left, waits on a pumper truck as another firefighter brings out a truck before Herren can get into his truck at the beginning of a training session on Jefferson Street outside the fire station. With the size of firetrucks and other vehicles these days, itÃs a tight squeeze in the Pittsfield fire station, built in 1958. A new station going up just west of the existing one will help alleviate the space crunch. | H-W Photo/ Michael Kipley
The equipment the Pittsfield Fire Department uses has changed significantly since its firehouse was built in 1958, especially the size of trucks.
The department now squeezes four trucks into the firehouse, with barely enough room to walk between them.
A new five-bay firehouse to be built immediately to the east of the current fire station at Jefferson and Monroe will fix that.
After more than five years of planning, officials broke ground for the new firehouse Tuesday during a brief ceremony.
Fire Chief Jason White said the new building will be a game changer.
The new station will also include a kitchen, office and a training room.
With about 30 volunteer firefighters, the Pittsfield Fire Department covers the city and the outlying Rural Pittsfield Fire Protection District, which includes parts of eight townships, as well as the villages Detroit and Time.
White said the department began pushing for the new station three years ago.
"The city's kept (the station) up really well, but the trucks were getting bigger and the building is not," he said.
The $765,000 building is being funded through a $600,000 U.S. Department of Agriculture loan that will be paid back over 30 years with an annual interest rate of 2.875 percent. The department has also been saving about $20,000 a year to help cover the construction.