
WFC News

Posted: Oct 3, 2022

Rapid City (SD) Welcomes New Ladder Truck to Station 6

The Rapid City Fire Department held a ceremony and blessing to welcome its new ladder truck into service. The ceremony included a traditional push-in, where the truck was pushed into Station 6 by members of the department, reported.

This tradition dates back to when fire trucks were horse-drawn carriages that, after being taken out, had to be manually pushed back into the garage, the report said.

The ceremony was long-awaited as the process to get the custom-built truck began in 2019. However, due to economic and supply issues, the truck was not received until this year. With the truck now in service, firefighters believe they will be better prepared.

It is the third ladder truck to be added to the department.

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Posted: Oct 3, 2022

Beaumont (TX) Firefighters Push New Engine into Station 4

This is part of an age-old tradition. Firefighters have participated in the push-in ceremony dating back to the 1800’s, a fire official said.

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Posted: Oct 3, 2022

Man airlifted with burns covering 80% of his body after propane explosion at Olympia marina

An explosion at an Olympia marina Sunday afternoon damaged several boats and sent one person to the hospital. Investigators are looking into the cause of the explosion after the victim was airlifted to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. Firefighters with the Olympia Fire Department tweeted at 7:48 p.
- PUB DATE: 10/3/2022 10:48:50 AM - SOURCE: My Northwest
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Posted: Oct 3, 2022

Henrietta (NY) Fire District Helps Couple Stay Together in Final Years

In this week’s First Responders Spotlight, we head to a fire station that helped a couple stay together in the final years they had left, reported.

Henrietta Fire District managed to provide a level of security and peace for John and Jodi Guiancursios, husband and wife, when emergencies arose, the report said.    

John Guiancursios was in failing health in the final years of his life, getting weaker and suffering from dementia, the report said.

Not wanting to live in a nursing home, John was able to stay in his Henrietta home, right across the street from the Erie Station Fire Department, part of the Henrietta Fire District. John would often collapse and have emergencies and Jodi would call the fire team for help, according to the report.

The fire department helped the Guiancursios as much as 20 times, the report said.

While John passed at 87, what these firefighters did for him and Jodi remains. The fire team wants to let everyone know they don’t just fight fires.

For more on this story, please go to

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Posted: Oct 3, 2022

Understanding Colorization and Temperature in Your Thermal Imager

Thermal Imaging

In my article “What Am I Looking At?” (August 2022), I reflected on the use of grayscale imagery with white-hot polarity (white—hot, black—cold, everything else—shades of gray) while using your thermal imager (TI). This month, I want to expand on this more by talking about colorization and temperature measurement.
Carl Nix

All TIs will produce colorization. This is a standard feature at different temperature levels based on their respective manufacturer specifications. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1801, Standard on Thermal Imagers for the Fire Service–2021 Edition, stipulates that only the colors of yellow, orange, and red can be used. For example, this manufacturer inserts colorization at this temperature range: Yellow 500-800°F (260-426°C), Orange 800-1,000°F (426-537°C), Red 1,000+°F (537°+C).

What the NFPA does not stipulate is what temperature this colorization should appear. Therefore, all manufacturer specifications can vary, so make sure you understand this before use.

What does colorization do for you?

As the temperature progresses within the structure, your TI will produce colorization indicating concerns: extreme ceiling temperatures, advancing fire progression, the location of the fire, and so on. Each color palette will give you a certain temperature range. Remember, this colorization is only temporary, because as soon as you get water on the fire, the red goes away, and your TI is back to showing grayscale imagery. Some TI technology have user selectable modes, which insert distinct color palettes based on various applications you require, so make sure you understand which application your TI should be set on.

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