
WFC News

Posted: Sep 9, 2022

Hot Springs (AR) City Board Approves Baby Box for Fire Station

The Central Fire Station in Hot Springs (AR) will house a secure drop-off for newborns abandoned under the law shielding their parents from criminal liability, reported.

A resolution the Hot Springs Board of Directors adopted Tuesday authorized the city to enter into a lease and service agreement with Safe Haven Baby Boxes, the Indiana nonprofit that provides resources for mothers in crisis, the report said.

The resolution also approved a memorandum of understanding with the Knights of Columbus Council 6419. The local chapter of the Catholic fraternal organization will pay for the box, its installation and maintenance, according to the report.

The baby box will cost about $11,000. Installation is $5,000-$7,000, with $350 in annual maintenance costs, according to the report.

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Posted: Sep 9, 2022

Seaside Park (NJ) Starts Process to Buy New Fire Truck

Seaside Park officials have signaled their intent to move forward with buying a new fire truck, set to replace a pumper that is nearly 30 years old, reported.

A fire official told the borough’s mayor and council during a work session meeting Thursday night that fire truck manufacturers are, in some cases, backlogged for years on orders, with prices on a continual rise, the report said.

The all-volunteer department has recently been dealing with a Michigan-based company that splits its business between custom-built fire trucks and trucks with standard layouts that are sold after they come off the assembly line. Seaside Park, he said, generally does not require many custom amenities or advanced systems, making the vendor, HME Ahrens-Fox, a viable choice. The company, however, requires a letter of interest from the municipal government before negotiations on price can begin, given the demand, the report said.

When the borough began discussing the need for a new fire truck in the pre-pandemic period, the price was estimated to be about $500,000. That has risen to an estimated $625,000, and continues to move upward. Once final pricing is determined, the borough will consider whether it is advantageous to enter into a lease-purchase agreement or buy the truck outright and finance it over the long term with a bonding measure, according to the report.

Seaside Park operates two pumper trucks and one ladder truck.

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Posted: Sep 9, 2022

Grand Rapids (MI) to Construct $25 Million Fire Station Replacing Century-Old One

Grand Rapids is looking to construct a new, $25 million fire station to replace the nearly 100-year-old one currently in use on South Division Avenue, reported.

The new Fire Station No. 10 will be located at 1823 South Division Avenue – just two blocks south of the current one – and feature a training center, vehicle storage, bunks and social rooms, an emergency operations center and more, the report said.

Building age is showing and firefighters are also dealing with a cramped vehicle bay not suited for larger, modern fire trucks and other apparatuses, the report said.

A fire official said there’s only about a two-inch gap between the vehicles and the sides of the bay doors when they pull into the vehicle bay, and that the vehicles can’t be walked around completely while parked in the bay because of how cramped it is.

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Posted: Sep 9, 2022

Grand Rapids (MI) to Construct $25 Million Fire Station Replacing Century-Old One

Grand Rapids is looking to construct a new, $25 million fire station to replace the nearly 100-year-old one currently in use on South Division Avenue, reported.

The new Fire Station No. 10 will be located at 1823 South Division Avenue – just two blocks south of the current one – and feature a training center, vehicle storage, bunks and social rooms, an emergency operations center and more, the report said.

Building age is showing and firefighters are also dealing with a cramped vehicle bay not suited for larger, modern fire trucks and other apparatuses, the report said.

A fire official said there’s only about a two-inch gap between the vehicles and the sides of the bay doors when they pull into the vehicle bay, and that the vehicles can’t be walked around completely while parked in the bay because of how cramped it is.

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Posted: Sep 9, 2022

Man Tried to Stab Police Dog After Damaging Fire Truck: Woodbridge (VA) Police

Police arrested a man in Woodbridge on Wednesday after officers said he tried to stab a police dog and damaged a fire truck with a knife, reported.

Authorities said additional charges may be pending after 33 vehicles had tires slashed or other damage, the report said.

One officer reported minor injuries, and the suspect received treatment at an area hospital for minor injuries, according to the report.

Around 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, officers responded to the commuter parking lot on Gemini Way to investigate damage to vehicles, the report said. Authorities said an unknown man slashed tires on vehicles in the lot before leaving the area.

Later that evening, officers learned of an unconscious man in the 14700 block of Darbydale Avenue. Rescue personnel said the man used a knife to damage one of their vehicles when they arrived on the scene, according to the police report.

When officers arrived, the man was still armed with a knife, the police department said. The officers tried to detain the man, but he refused to cooperate, according to authorities.

During a struggle, the man tried to stab a police K-9 with the knife, according to the police report. He was eventually taken into custody.

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