
WFC News

Posted: Sep 8, 2022

Alton (IA) Fire Department Celebrates New $2.1 Million Home

The interior of the Alton Fire Department smelled like a mix of fresh paint and freshly grilled hamburgers on August 8 as the community gathered for an open house in the new addition of the building, reported Thursday.

The new addition at 905 Third Avenue has brought the building to four times the original size and includes a spacious garage for some of the department’s emergency vehicles, a locker room, a scrub room, a kitchen and a meeting room.

The meeting room is mostly intended for training sessions for Alton firefighters or emergency management services volunteers, the report said.

The station also has locker rooms for the firefighters to store their gear. Before, their uniforms and gear were hung on the wall a few feet from the vehicles. Firefighters would bump into each other and stumble over hoses left out to dry when getting ready and narrowly avoid getting backed into by a truck when taking off their gear, according to the report.

The original part of the Alton Fire Station, which has been standing 1978, is still being used to store some of the emergency vehicles and other supplies. The addition was spurred by the growing size of new emergency vehicle models, which took up more space in the station, the report said.

The final budget for the addition came in at around $2.1 million.

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Posted: Sep 8, 2022

Watertown (CT) approves $1.5 Million to replace Ladder 2 Fire Truck

Watertown Town Council approved an appropriation of $1.5 million in its September 6 meeting to replace the town’s Ladder 2 fire truck and related equipment, reported.

The council also approved an appropriation of $5 million for various road improvements and related work, the report said.

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Posted: Sep 8, 2022

Escambia County (FL) Fire Rescue’s Aerial Out of Service for 600 Days, New One on Order

After a buyer for a new ladder truck suddenly backed out, Escambia County (FL) Fire Rescue can buy an aerial to supplement one that’s been out of service for about 600 days, according to a report published by

According to the report, the department’s Ladder 5, a refurbished 1991 75-foot aerial, has been challenging to put on the road, but parts have been obtained and the plan is to put the truck back in service. The report said a second brand new aerial also became available and the department had considered purchasing it as well, but the county commissioners voted not to make the second purchase.

The new aerial, a 2023 E-ONE HR100 aerial ladder will cost $1,251,724.30 and should be delivered in November or December of next year, according to the report.

Some commissioners had hoped to purchase a second truck that became available, a platform aerial for $1.5 million to eventually replace the 1991 model, but the majority of the commissioners decided not to, according to the report.

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Posted: Sep 8, 2022

Kokomo (IN) Fire Department Rolls Out New Engine 3 Fire Truck

Members of the Kokomo Fire Department rolled out the agency’s newest fire truck Wednesday afternoon in front of a crowd of local dignitaries, reported Thursday.

The new Engine 3 truck — which replaces the old Engine 3 — comes after a renewed partnership with the city and the Center Township Trustee’s Office, the report said. The vehicle will be housed at Station 3 at the intersection of Morgan Street and Apperson Way and will go into service September 16.

The new truck will not only serve the northeast side of Kokomo but will also provide professional fire service to the unincorporated areas of the township, the report said.

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Posted: Sep 8, 2022

Bash Planned to Help Buy New Fire Truck for Forest (VA) VFD

The Forest Volunteer Fire Department is hosting an event called The Northside Bash September 24 to help raise money for a new fire truck, reported Wednesday.

The new addition would replace the eight-year-old Tower 5 ladder truck, a fire department official said. At the time, the purchase was a partnership between Bedford County and the Forest Volunteer Fire Department. The old truck alone has responded to thousands of calls across Bedford County.

The truck was up for replacement in 2021. The Forest Volunteer Fire Department started working on specifications for the new truck and figured the cost at around $2 million.

The VFD came up with an idea to hold a bash to help raise money to cover some of the cost. The Northside Bash is set for Saturday at the Forest Volunteer Fire Department at 1645 Thomas Jefferson Road in Forest.

Here’s a rundown of the events:

  • Gates open at 6 p.m.
  • DJ: 6 to 7 p.m.
  • Band: 7 to 11 p.m,
  • Food trucks and beer trucks will be on site

Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the gate.

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