
WFC News

Posted: Sep 2, 2022

Fire Apparatus of the Day: September 2, 2022

Seagrave—New Haven (CT) Fire Department pumper. Marauder stainless-steel tilt cab and chassis; Cummins L9 450-hp engine; Waterous CSU 1,500-gpm pump; UPF Poly 500-gallon water tank. Dealer: Gerry Post, Fleetmasters, Windsor Locks, CT.



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Posted: Sep 2, 2022

Westville (Nova Scotia) Fire Department Restoring Antique Truck

A 1948 fire truck is getting another life in Pictou County, Nova Scotia. Westville Fire and Rescue is beginning an extensive restoration of the 74-year-old truck, CBC News reported.

The fire truck was used in Westville until 1976, the report said. The truck was often in demand because of its 50-foot ladder, which was longer than most fire trucks of that era.

The truck will be stripped. All of the components, including the long ladder, are being stored in one area of the fire house, the report said.

Businesses in the community have agreed to help with the body work and mechanical repairs. The plan is to have the truck’s water pumper restored so it will be able to run water through hose lines, the report said.

They hope to have the truck restored by 2024, which will mark the department’s 150th anniversary. The 1948 truck will be prominently displayed during a special celebration for the anniversary.

The department hopes the vehicle will be used for parades and auto shows throughout the province, according to the report.

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Posted: Sep 2, 2022

Anderson (IN) Fire Department Dedicates New Pumper Truck

Anderson (IN) Fire Department dedicated a new pumper truck Thursday with a traditional washing and manually pushing it into a bay, reported.

The new pumper truck was then placed on active duty at Station 7 on East Eighth Street.

The new truck, costing $438,000, replaces one that had been in service since 2002, according to a fire official. The older truck will be used as a back up.

The new truck was paid for with user fees collected by the city from Medicaid and insurance companies for ambulance runs, the report said.

The new truck can carry 1,200 gallons of water and is capable of pumping 1,500 gallons per minute from a hydrant, the report said.

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Posted: Sep 2, 2022

VIDEO: Auto parts store in Ohio catches fire, collapses

FOX 8 Video shows a Cleveland auto parts store on fire and collapsing. More than a dozen crews were called to the scene at the Clark Auto Parts at West 46th Street and Clark Avenue around 3:20 a.m. on Friday. At one point more than 50 firefighters were on hand. Officials said the fire seems to have started on the service and machine shop side of the auto parts store.
- PUB DATE: 9/2/2022 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: WJW-TV FOX 8 Cleveland
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Posted: Sep 2, 2022

Seattle council member proposes new strategies to safeguard attacks on firefighters

VIDEO: ‘Unacceptable.’ That's what a Seattle City Council member is calling the violent attacks against firefighters responding to emergency calls. The fire department has been calling for urgent action, as the disturbing trend continues. Council member Andrew Lewis is proposing two new strategies to help.
- PUB DATE: 9/2/2022 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: KOMO-TV ABC 4 Seattle
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