
WFC News

Posted: Aug 31, 2022

Sugarloaf (CO) Fire Station Ransacked, Items Stolen

Sugarloaf (CO) Fire Protection District’s Station 2 was broken into and ransacked overnight on Monday, into Tuesday morning and authorities are looking to see who did it, according to reports from the Daily Camera and the department’s Facebook page.

According to the Facebook post, the station at 1360 Sugarloaf Road was entered and the storage areas, apparatus and equipment was pillaged and items were stolen.

“Although we are still trying to piece together exactly what was taken, we are still fully functional and will be able to respond to our customers’ need,” the department said in its Facebook posting. “Cleanup is in progress.”

Firefighters are working with the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office to solve the case and are asking anyone with information to contact authorities.

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Posted: Aug 31, 2022

Hopland (CA) VFD Breaks Ground on New Fire Station

Jody Martinez

The Ukiah Daily Journal, Calif.


Aug. 30—It’s been 15 years since ground was broken in preparation for building a new fire station for the Hopland Volunteer Fire Department. Negotiations and fundraising for the project had taken nearly 20 years.

An Aug. 31, 2007 Page 1 article in The Ukiah Daily Journal listed contractors on the Hopland project as WIPF Construction, Lucchetti Construction and Valley Paving, and stated that “the land on which the station will be built was donated to the fire department by Rose Luchetti, Rena Trimble and Barbara Green.”

Located at the intersection of Feliz Creek Road and Road 110, it was a particularly fortunate choice of a site since the department discovered “an added bonus in the winter of 2005 when much of Hopland flooded but the land the firehouse (was to) stand on remained dry.”

Project manager and Hopland volunteer firefighter Bruce Jensen said in August 2007 that it would cost $420,000 to clear the land, and at least that much to build the firehouse.

Hoss Milone, who was Hopland’s fire chief at the time, said “It really depends on what further financial aid we get.” Ninety percent of what had already been donated had come from the Hopland Volunteer Firefighters Association.

Plans were to have the land cleared by Oct. 1, 2007, and to begin construction the following spring.

“We would never have been able to do this without volunteers,” Milone said in August 2007.

To comment on this article, provide more information or to share your memories of the project with our readers, email Jody Martinez at


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Posted: Aug 31, 2022

Massachusetts home considered a ‘total loss’ after fire rips through roof, causing partial collapse

VIDEO: At least eight people are without a home after a large fire burned through a multi-family house in Lynn on Tuesday. Crews were called to the home on Allerton Street sometime after 5 p.m., where footage from Sky7 showed large sections of the multi-story building’s roof engulfed in flames. At one point, Lynn Fire pulled their crews from the building, as both the roof and attic showed signs they were going to collapse.
- PUB DATE: 8/31/2022 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: WHDH-TV ABC 7 Boston
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Posted: Aug 31, 2022

New Mexico first responders prepare to row across the Atlantic Ocean to raise mental health awareness

VIDEO: A team of three Farmington first responders are getting ready to compete in an international race, but this isn’t an ordinary race – it’s a trip across the Atlantic Ocean on a row boat. 45 teams will row from Africa to the Caribbean in December. The goal of the first responders is not to win, but rather to raise awareness for an important Four Corners cause.
- PUB DATE: 8/31/2022 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: KOB-TV NBC 4 Albuquerque
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Posted: Aug 31, 2022

Los Angeles County takes step to ensure crash photos are never leaked again, following Kobe Bryant incident

The 2020 helicopter crash in the hills of Calabasas that took the lives of NBA Lakers legend Kobe Bryant, his 13-year-old daughter Gianna; Sarah and Payton Chester; Keri, John and Alyssa Altobelli; Christina Mauser, and pilot Ara Zobayan sent shock waves across the world. But the unimaginable pain and grief sustained by Bryant’s widow, Vanessa Bryant, was compounded when graphic photos from the crash scene were shared by Los Angeles County deputies and firefighters with each other, some of their spouses, and in one instance with a bartender at a bar where a deputy was drinking.
- PUB DATE: 8/31/2022 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: Los Angeles Daily News - Metered Site
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