
WFC News

Posted: Jul 21, 2022

Must-Have Policies and Practices for Every Fire Department

This Webcast reviews the top administrative policies and operational practices every fire department (U.S. and Canada) must have to prevent liability, firefighter injuries, and public embarrassment and to increase proficiency on the fireground. The suggested policies are derived from U.S. and Canadian safety regulations and National Fire Protection Association recommendations and case studies on poor outcomes in fire departments that lacked sufficient policies or operational practices. Attendees will learn how to create vital administrative policies and operational practices to protect their personnel and the department and learn to conduct a risk analysis of their operations to determine if there are policies or practices they must implement immediately. Among the topics addressed are the OSHA Operational Statement, physical fitness, carrying firearms, photography, training requirements and skill testing, health and safety, drug testing, and more than 30 operational practices.

Best of FDIC Webcast
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Posted: Jul 21, 2022

WV Federal Prison Staff Name New Fire Truck ‘Tallulah’

A name has been given to a new fire truck at the Federal Prison Camp in Alderson, Summers County, WV. The staff named the new engine “Tallulah,” which means leaping water, lady of abundance, according to a report published by The Register-Herald.

The apparatus will be used by the recently reinstated inmate firefighter training program which originally was implemented in 1978, according to the report.

The 2022 Pierce apparatus was purchased through Atlantic Emergency Solutions to enhance the training program and to be of service for mutual aid calls in the Alderson community, according to the newspaper.

Funds from the First Step Act were used to buy the new truck, according to the newspaper which also reported the legislation was first passed by Congress in 2018 to reduce recidivism, decrease the federal inmate population and maintain public safety.

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Posted: Jul 21, 2022

Branson (MO) Works on New Fire Station Design

Branson (MO) Fire Rescue and design contractor, Hoefer Welker, LLC are nearing completion of the design of the new Fire Station #4 that will be located in Ward 3 in the south part of Branson off State Highway 165 on Champagne Boulevard to reduce fire and emergency response times in the south part of Branson.

Fire Station #4 has a total projected budget of $3.5 million which will be funded from the half-cent Public Safety Sales Tax Branson residents passed in 2017. This fire station is projected at a maximum of 11,000 sq. feet and will be designed to house up to six firefighters, three drive-through bays, and a community/training room.

“We have been very impressed with the design company and its use of the latest technology to ensure we build exactly what we need and what the community needs in the most economical and financially responsible way possible,” said Branson Fire Rescue Chief, Ted Martin. “It’s exciting to see this project continue to progress,” Chief Martin said.

The Branson Board of Aldermen approved a contract for the professional design services for the new Fire Station #4 on May 10, 2022. There is no estimated completion date for this project as it is in its very early stages.

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Posted: Jul 21, 2022

Fire Apparatus of the Day: July 21, 2022

Alexis—Atkinson (IL) Fire Protection District heavy rescue. Spartan Metro Star LFD cab and chassis; Cummins L9 450-hp engine; 22-foot walk-around rescue body; heavy-duty stainless-steel body and subframe; six-person cab seating; four-bank 6,000-psi Cascade system with fill panel and bottle enclosure; Onan 25-kW generator. Dealer: Greg Landon, Alexis Fire Equipment, Alexis, IL.



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Posted: Jul 21, 2022

2022 Hooley Awards Winners Announced at ImageTrend Connect

ImageTrend, Inc. announced the winners of the 2022 Hooley™ Awards at the 14th annual ImageTrend Connect Conference. The Hooley Awards celebrate innovative ideas and programs in the EMS, fire and healthcare industries. Nominees were narrowed down to a field of nine finalists – three in each of the three categories – from which the winners were selected by a panel of third-party judges. Judges cast votes via secret ballot for each category. ImageTrend extends congratulations to the nominees, finalists and winners of the seventh Hooley Awards.


To recognize those who are serving in a new or innovative way to meet the needs of their organization, including developing programs or solutions to benefit providers, administrators, or the community.

Winner: Captain Brandon Grinstead, Orange County Fire Authority, Data-Driven Solutions to Transport Decisions in Hypoxic Patients

Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) EMS Staff Captain Paramedic Brandon Grinstead combated the uncertainty of the pandemic with data. As case counts sky-rocketed and available EMS staff plummeted, delivering quality care became more important than ever. The local Base Hospitals and ERCs began to bombard the Agency with complaints about transport decisions of hypoxic patients.

Utilizing various data points from ImageTrend Elite™, Captain Grinstead identified metrics that would improve patient care within the EMS system. He—along with his Medical Director and team of CQI RNs—developed a mutually agreeable definition of hypoxia and guidelines for the transport of these hypoxic patients. Once this data- driven standard was identified, it was communicated and deployed to field. After initiating the change, it was closely monitored to hold the change. In a two-month period, OCFA went from 52% compliance to 96% with hypoxia transport decisions.


Captain Anthony Maro, Collier EMS Training Department, Collier County EMS, Tracking Social Service Needs in the Community

Captain Brandon Grinstead, Orange County Fire Authority, Data-Driven Solutions to Transport Decisions in Hypoxic Patients

Chief Frank Simone, North Las Vegas Fire Department, Positive and Proactive Changes through Data


To recognize those that are going above and beyond the call of duty and breaking new ground or serving in a humanitarian way.

Winner: Peggy Huddleston, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Mass Casualty Patient Log Worksheet and MO Mass Incident Deployment Form Incorporated into ImageTrend Elite to better address unfortunate mass casualty incidents, the need arose for a tracking system to assist in the field. A mass casualty worksheet was created in ImageTrend Elite to make it possible for the emergency personnel to document each patient involved in the mass casualty incident with the pertinent information needed for treatment and tracking. This also allows for the ePCR to be synced with the ImageTrend TCD Trauma Patient Registry for the hospital staff to have access to the pre-hospital information. Transmitting the information to ImageTrend Patient Registry™ allows hospitals access to any pre-hospital information that was gathered at the repatriation site or any other mass incident location.


Peggy Huddleston, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Mass Casualty Patient Log Worksheet and MO Mass Incident Deployment Form Incorporated into ImageTrend Elite

St. Paul Fire Department, Preventing Firefighter Cancer with a Sauna Nashville Fire Department, Responding to Calls Faster with Mini-Ambulances


Considers how data is being used to further the safety of their community or reach community goals, and acknowledges the fact that data is boundless and can be used in any number of ways for the benefit of society.

Winner: Timoth

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