
WFC News

Posted: Aug 2, 2018

Fire Truck Photo of the Day-Custom Fab & Body Rescue

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Posted: Aug 2, 2018

Fireground and Fire Apparatus Decontamination

Fire Apparatus Manufactures Association logo

The Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association (FAMA) is committed to the manufacture and sale of safe, efficient fire apparatus and fire equipment.

Its goal is to provide tools and information to promote fire apparatus safety. With that goal in mind, member companies have been learning about the need to better protect firefighters from exposure to contaminants picked up while working at the fire scene.

Cycle of Contamination

The Firefighter Cancer Support Network published a white paper titled, “Taking Action Against Cancer in the Fire Service.” It identified areas where firefighters were highly likely to be exposed to contaminants. The report cited that contaminated gear was often placed into the cabs after a fire, and the interior of the apparatus cab was rarely decontaminated. The contaminated particles will attach to their gear and transfer to the apparatus. Upon return to the station, contaminants will adhere to the walls and other equipment, resulting in off-gassing of contaminants. Exposure is not only a risk to the firefighter but to the public who may visit the fire station and family members if the contaminants are not completely removed before end of shift and the firefighter goes home.

Breaking the Cycle

The State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries, Safety & Health Investment Projects, funded an initiative to establish a manual on the “Best Practice for Reducing Fire Fighter Risk of Exposures to Carcinogens.” The research was conducted in cooperation with the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters and the International Association of Fire Fighters.

They published the “Healthy In, Healthy Out” report that contains a list of best practices including a section devoted to apparatus design. Apparatus can be designed with careful thought given to biological and chemical contamination and the potential for cross contamination both inside the fire station and while on scene. The following is a synopsis of its recommendations:

  • Avoid storing contaminated self-contained breathing apparatus in the cab.
  • Use seat covering material that is easy to clean.
  • Provide warm water for initial decontamination prior to re-entering the cab.
  • Use cab flooring material that is easy to clean.
  • Exhaust pipes should be designed to exit away from personnel.
  • Cab interiors should be designed for easy cleaning.
  • There should be a dedicated location for dirty turnout gear that is isolated from occupant space.

Diesel Engine Contaminants

In addition to reducing the risk of fireground contaminants, departments should consider steps to reduce exposure from diesel engine exhaust in living quarters of fire stations. The following steps can Read more

Posted: Aug 2, 2018

Fireground and Fire Apparatus Decontamination

Fire Apparatus Manufactures Association logo

The Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association (FAMA) is committed to the manufacture and sale of safe, efficient fire apparatus and fire equipment.

Its goal is to provide tools and information to promote fire apparatus safety. With that goal in mind, member companies have been learning about the need to better protect firefighters from exposure to contaminants picked up while working at the fire scene.

Cycle of Contamination

The Firefighter Cancer Support Network published a white paper titled, “Taking Action Against Cancer in the Fire Service.” It identified areas where firefighters were highly likely to be exposed to contaminants. The report cited that contaminated gear was often placed into the cabs after a fire, and the interior of the apparatus cab was rarely decontaminated. The contaminated particles will attach to their gear and transfer to the apparatus. Upon return to the station, contaminants will adhere to the walls and other equipment, resulting in off-gassing of contaminants. Exposure is not only a risk to the firefighter but to the public who may visit the fire station and family members if the contaminants are not completely removed before end of shift and the firefighter goes home.

Breaking the Cycle

The State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries, Safety & Health Investment Projects, funded an initiative to establish a manual on the “Best Practice for Reducing Fire Fighter Risk of Exposures to Carcinogens.” The research was conducted in cooperation with the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters and the International Association of Fire Fighters.

They published the “Healthy In, Healthy Out” report that contains a list of best practices including a section devoted to apparatus design. Apparatus can be designed with careful thought given to biological and chemical contamination and the potential for cross contamination both inside the fire station and while on scene. The following is a synopsis of its recommendations:

  • Avoid storing contaminated self-contained breathing apparatus in the cab.
  • Use seat covering material that is easy to clean.
  • Provide warm water for initial decontamination prior to re-entering the cab.
  • Use cab flooring material that is easy to clean.
  • Exhaust pipes should be designed to exit away from personnel.
  • Cab interiors should be designed for easy cleaning.
  • There should be a dedicated location for dirty turnout gear that is isolated from occupant space.

Diesel Engine Contaminants

In addition to reducing the risk of fireground contaminants, departments should consider steps to reduce exposure from diesel engine exhaust in living quarters of fire stations. The following steps can Read more

Posted: Aug 2, 2018

Planning Financially for Fire Apparatus

Chris Mc Loone

Chris Mc Loone

My fire company operates like many other volunteer companies where we have a monthly business meeting, always on the first Monday of the month at 8:00 p.m. except for Labor Day or when Independence Day falls on that Monday, etc.

If necessary, procedurally, we vote to move the meeting to the following Monday, and although that may seem funny to some, I’m a procedural kind of guy and appreciate that there are these procedures in place for us to follow. I, like many, have gone from the, “Did we really just make a motion to pay the bills?” stage as a smart aleck teenager to gaining an appreciation of bringing decisions to the floor at the monthly meeting.

One decision that always generates a lot of meaningful—sometimes “spirited”—discussion is when it is time to replace an apparatus. The discussions usually revolve around why a rig needs to be replaced, fire company apparatus traditions (colors, gold leaf, etc.), and of course a lot of time is spent on the cost.

A huge part of any fire apparatus purchase process is determining how to pay for the rig. This process starts long before writing specs, and it involves coming up with a plan—whatever that plan may be. We took delivery of a pumper in 2010. Leading up to placing the order, the fire company had to make some financial decisions that were not entirely popular. At that time, it was going to be the largest expense the fire company had ever incurred in its more than 100 years. Some of the decisions weren’t popular. For example, the annual fire company banquet became a more semiannual event in order to save the cost. This was not a popular decision but a sound fiscal one to put the money toward the new rig. More went into the financial plan to purchase the truck than just that, obviously. We had to figure in how much we thought we would make from the engine we were selling. We apply for an annual grant for funds to be applied toward the loan for the fire apparatus. We work well with our Relief Association when it comes to equipment purchases. All of these things contribute to the overarching financial plan. At our most recent monthly meeting, the membership learned that the 2010 pumper is paid off.

Why am I bringing this up? To brag? No. Especially since I know full well there are fire departments out there that put together sound financial plans because every purchase they wish to make will likely be scrutinized more closely than anything I’ve ever experienced. But, we have a 1997 pumper that we will likely discuss replacing before long. It served the fire company well as the first-out rig before the 2010 pumper arrived. Outside of normal wear and tear, it has been a very reliable fire apparatus. Sentimentally, it was the first new fire truck purchased by the fire company after I joined. I remember well the day it arrived and the excitement a new truck generated. It is the second truck I was ev

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Posted: Aug 2, 2018

Planning Financially for Fire Apparatus

Chris Mc Loone

Chris Mc Loone

My fire company operates like many other volunteer companies where we have a monthly business meeting, always on the first Monday of the month at 8:00 p.m. except for Labor Day or when Independence Day falls on that Monday, etc.

If necessary, procedurally, we vote to move the meeting to the following Monday, and although that may seem funny to some, I’m a procedural kind of guy and appreciate that there are these procedures in place for us to follow. I, like many, have gone from the, “Did we really just make a motion to pay the bills?” stage as a smart aleck teenager to gaining an appreciation of bringing decisions to the floor at the monthly meeting.

One decision that always generates a lot of meaningful—sometimes “spirited”—discussion is when it is time to replace an apparatus. The discussions usually revolve around why a rig needs to be replaced, fire company apparatus traditions (colors, gold leaf, etc.), and of course a lot of time is spent on the cost.

A huge part of any fire apparatus purchase process is determining how to pay for the rig. This process starts long before writing specs, and it involves coming up with a plan—whatever that plan may be. We took delivery of a pumper in 2010. Leading up to placing the order, the fire company had to make some financial decisions that were not entirely popular. At that time, it was going to be the largest expense the fire company had ever incurred in its more than 100 years. Some of the decisions weren’t popular. For example, the annual fire company banquet became a more semiannual event in order to save the cost. This was not a popular decision but a sound fiscal one to put the money toward the new rig. More went into the financial plan to purchase the truck than just that, obviously. We had to figure in how much we thought we would make from the engine we were selling. We apply for an annual grant for funds to be applied toward the loan for the fire apparatus. We work well with our Relief Association when it comes to equipment purchases. All of these things contribute to the overarching financial plan. At our most recent monthly meeting, the membership learned that the 2010 pumper is paid off.

Why am I bringing this up? To brag? No. Especially since I know full well there are fire departments out there that put together sound financial plans because every purchase they wish to make will likely be scrutinized more closely than anything I’ve ever experienced. But, we have a 1997 pumper that we will likely discuss replacing before long. It served the fire company well as the first-out rig before the 2010 pumper arrived. Outside of normal wear and tear, it has been a very reliable fire apparatus. Sentimentally, it was the first new fire truck purchased by the fire company after I joined. I remember well the day it arrived and the excitement a new truck generated. It is the second truck I was ev

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