
WFC News

Posted: Apr 25, 2018

Fire Truck Photo of the Day-

On display at FDIC International 2018 is this Ferrara pumper.

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Posted: Apr 24, 2018

FDIC WORKSHOP VIDEO: Mike Benadum on Lessons Learned from a Double LODD

By Derek Rosenfeld

Every fire department around the world has faced its share of hardships, from training injuries to apparatus collisions to a lack of basic funds. However, and without question, there is no more harrowing, despairing, and tragic situation a fire department can face than when one of its members dies in the line of duty. On January 24, 2016, the Toledo (OH) Fire Rescue Department (TFRD) suffered not just one but two line-of-duty deaths (LODDs) when its members Stephen Machcinski and James Dickman perished after the apartment in which they were working flashed over. The fire later was ruled arson and, as a result, building owner Ray Abou-Arab was sentenced to 20 years in prison for aggravated murder.

This horrific incident formed the basis of TFRD Captain Mike Bendaum's presentation "Double Line-of-Duty Deaths: Lessons Learned" at FDIC International on Tuesday afternoon. 

"These line-of-duty deaths occurred on my fire department. I was the captain of training at the time, and was ultimately assigned to the internal investigation team by our fire chief," Bendaum said. "After our investigation was completed, I was assigned to create a detailed summary analysis of the event with a focus on lessons learned. This presentation is the result of that assignment. The presentation at FDIC will be the 100th time I have made the presentation."

In this segment, Benadum offers this timeline of the initial response up through to the initial size-up of the incident:


"This presentation is extremely important to the fire service because it was a fire any department could respond to on any given day. What makes it important is the lessons learned. We believe the lessons learned at this fire are immediately actionable items that, if incorporated, could prevent a similar occurrence at another fire department."


In this segment, Benadum talks about the tactics employed by the incident's first-arriving crews as well as the nature and mechanics of the type of ventilation-limited fire that ultimately killed the two firefighters:


Benadum presented to his class the following local news footage of the initial response as the incident unfolded:


Below is a five-minute portion of the dispatch audio leading up to the Mayday call:


Benadum ended on a personal note regarding his FDIC experience. "This is at least my fifth or sixth time attending FDIC. I started attending in 2007, and I always look forward to the entire experience," he said. "This is my absolute favorite training week of the year. I always learn so much at FDIC. I love the networking, the learning, the opening ceremony on Wednesday, and the overall sense of camaraderie. It always provides a tremendous recharge to my pr

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Posted: Apr 24, 2018

Winchester (OR) Elementary Students Ride Fire Apparatus to School

The "Fire Truck Ride to School" along with several other incentive prizes provided by the Booster Club and other area businesses encouraged the students and their families to sell $10,097 in raffle tickets, organizers said.  

"The booster club is very thankful to all the students and families who helped reach this new high mark, and are especially proud and pleased with the efforts made by the top sellers: Mia Stinson, Aspen Ottosen, Ralleigh Bashford, Taylor Gillam and Ellis Atterbury," organizers said. Other top sellers received a special shirt and a pizza party.

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Posted: Apr 24, 2018

Wayne Township (IN) Ambulance Involved in Head-On Crash

Police say the accident happened on 10th street between County Club and Raceway Road.  

The Wayne Township Fire Department says the ambulance was transporting a patient to IU West hospital when the accident happened.

Medics took two Wayne Township medics to Methodist hospital in stable condition.

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Posted: Apr 24, 2018

Shawnee (KS) Council Approves Increased Budget for Fire Station

The $3.8 million is for construction of the building alone. Additional costs for land acquisition, furnishings and equipment, engineering, a fire truck and contingencies bring the project’s total cost to $5.6 million.  

“Based on the number of bids received and on a comparison with another Johnson County fire station currently under construction, staff believes this is a competitive price,” according to a Monday memo from Public Works Director Doug Whitacre to Interim City Manager Vicki Charlesworth.

McCownGordon Construction is the construction manager, chosen by the council in November 2017 from 139 bids received. The council chose Williams Spurgeon Kuhl & Freshnock Architects Inc. as the project’s architect in September 2017. Bert Schnettgoeke, senior project engineer in the Public Works Department, is the project manager.

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