
WFC News

Posted: Apr 24, 2018

Gallery: FDIC International 2018 Hands on Training Day 2

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Posted: Apr 24, 2018

FDIC WORKSHOP VIDEO: Matt Sloane on Starting a Fire Service Drone Program

By Derek Rosenfeld

The second day of FDIC International 2018 commenced with another series of pre-conference workshops designed to bring attention to some of the most innovative aspects of the fire service. Among those innovations is the increasing use of drone technology, as highlighted by Skyfire Consulting CEO Matt Sloane in his well-attended workshop "Starting a Drone Program for Your Department."

"I’ve been teaching UAV [unmanned aerial vehicle] classes to firefighters and other first responders for four years now," Sloane said. "I first began because I realized that agencies were buying aircraft from hobby shops and big box retail stores and weren’t getting the appropriate training on how to operate safely and within the regulations."

In this segment, Sloane gives an overview on securing the proper drone training provider, the need for a certificate of authorization (COA), what the training will entail, and other topics related to starting a fire department drone program:


Sloane continued, "I think the most important thing about starting a drone program for your agency is doing it the proper way—get the best training you can find, buy the best equipment for the job, and make sure you’re operating within the regulations. If you have budget constraints, understand what is possible within your agency’s budget."


In this segment, Sloane talks about the importance of creating and submitting a public declaration letter when attempting to kick-start a fire department drone program:



"UAVs are one of the biggest advances in the fire service since thermal imaging cameras. This new technology helps responders do their jobs more easily, more safely, and more effectively. Drones provide perspective on scenes that responders and incident commanders can’t typically get."



"I think I’d like people to understand that having a drone doesn’t necessarily mean having a drone program. It’s important to put policies and procedures around it, get good training, and ensure you’re following the rules. That’s the only way to ensure your program will be successful for many years down the line."

In this segment, Sloane discusses airspace classifications as it pertains to flight altitude and airports:


Sloane concluded, "This will be my fourth FDIC, and I’m looking forward to seeing so many friends I’ve made in this industry over those years. We’ve helped start over 100 drone programs, and most of our clients have become friends we talk to on a regular basis about their drones and their lives outside of work."

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Posted: Apr 24, 2018

USFA: Virginia On-Duty Death

The U.S. Fire Administration has announced the official on-duty death of Firefighter Herbert "Butch" Tyler Wilcox, 77, of the Rocky Mount Volunteer Fire Department on April 19, 2018.

Firefighter Wilcox responded to two fire calls on April 18, 2018, one at 1300hrs and a brush fire at 1605hrs. After returning from the brush fire, Wilcox complained of neck and back pain. He went to a local MediCenter where he was examined and then sent home. At approximately 0730hrs the next morning, Firefighter Wilcox’s wife tried to wake him but found him unresponsive and immediately called 911. Emergency responders arrived on scene and began CPR, but after 30 minutes of resuscitation efforts, Firefighter Wilcox was pronounced deceased at his residence. The nature and cause of fatal injury is still to be determined. 

Tribute is being paid to Firefighter Wilcox at

To date, 30 firefighter fatalities have been reported to USFA in 2018.  Year-to-date and annual USFA firefighter fatality reports are posted online at

Fatality status is provisional and may change as USFA contacts State Fire Marshals to verify fatality incident information.

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Posted: Apr 24, 2018

Gallery: FDIC International 2018 Faces of Training

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Posted: Apr 24, 2018

Gallery: FDIC International 2018 Hands on Training Part 2

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