
WFC News

Posted: Nov 30, 2017

Burlington Fire Truck Heading To Sister City, Soledad, Mexico

The Burlington City Council approved declaring a 1995 KME ladder truck as surplus property and adopted a resolution Nov. 21 authorizing the donation of the truck to Soledad.

Soledad currently has one truck previously donated from Burlington, in 2010, and another truck from Charlotte. It should receive the new Burlington truck in the near future.

“It would be up to [the city] because it would be their responsibility to get it from here to there,” Fire Chief Jay Smith said. “They would either put [the truck] on a flatbed or potentially on a railcar.”

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Posted: Nov 30, 2017

South Sioux City Fire Department add new fire trucks to fleet

Two new additions have arrived within the last week. "We retired two 1980s engines and the Volunteer Association replaced one of them with a 2006 sister truck to one that we already have. And then the city purchased this brand new 2017 to replace the other 1980s engine." said Payne Allen, South Sioux City Fire Medic. The brand new truck has technology that will allow for better communication and more control over water flow while fighting fires. The 2006 engine has been updated to include those features as well. "This was updating to modern engines, modern equipment and just updating the department in general. Less breakdowns, lower maintenance, less costs to run up." said Allen.
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Posted: Nov 30, 2017

Fire department mergers to improve emergency response in south metro Denver

If all goes as planned, in 2018, the Cunningham Fire Protection District and South Metro Fire Rescue will unify to better serve the fast-growing Douglas County suburb.

Then in 2019, Littleton Fire Protection District and Highlands Ranch Metropolitan District will consolidate with South Metro.

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Posted: Nov 30, 2017

Contract piggybacking: An audit focus

“Piggybacking” refers to one local government making purchases from contracts awarded by another government or group of governments via an interlocal agreement or contract. Piggybacking is a convenient way to procure goods or services. However, the Washington Auditor's Office has seen an increasing number of local governments use this alternative method without completing the process properly. National purchasing cooperatives are becoming more widely used, and many of these are based in other states where the laws do not align with Washington law. 
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Posted: Nov 30, 2017

PIOs: New NFFF app helps keep community & firefighters safe

The new Be a Hero, Save a Hero® mobile app from the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) can help your community stay safe with valuable fire prevention information, special weather and seasonal notifications, and more.  It’s available now for you to share with the public as you remind them to change their smoke alarm batteries and the benefits of 10-year smoke alarms.

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