The 116th year of operation for the Edward M. Cotter fireboat will be celebrated with the presentation of a birthday cake at noon Nov. 12 in the Buffalo Naval and Military Park. Sam Guadagna, former captain of the fireboat, will answer questions about the history of the vessel, which is owned by the Buffalo Fire Department.
Guadagna, who is among those most responsible for getting National Historic Preservation status for the boat, will be joined at the event by Buffalo Fire Commissioner Garnell Whitfield Jr. and others.
The E.M. Cotter is the oldest working fireboat still in service. The conservancy that runs the boat is raising funds to repair the Cotter with new propellers and shafts to bring it up to U.S. Coast Guard standards and keep the vessel in service for years to come. Donations are payable to Fireboat E.M. Cotter Conservancy and may be sent to P.O. Box 4, Buffalo, NY, 14231.