
WFC News

Posted: Oct 7, 2016

Sedona Fire Station Combines Innovation and Functionality

By Alan M. Petrillo

Sedona (AZ) Fire District Station 6 has won a number of awards for station design, energy, and innovation, but its most outstanding value, according to the district fire chief, is its functionality coupled with its energy efficiency and how it harmonizes with its red rock desert environment.

Chief Kris Kazian says that while the station is designated number six, it actually is the fifth staffed station in the district. “We needed a station in the Chapel area of Sedona between its next closest station and the equally important village of Oak Creek, where we have a busy station because of a couple of nursing homes and a lot of population,” he explains. “We needed a station in between that could help reduce response times, especially when we were out on other calls.”

1 Sedona (AZ) Fire District Station 6, designed by LEA Architects of Phoenix, Arizona, won a National Design Honor Award from the Fire Industry Education Research Organization (F.I.E.R.O.) and an Arizona Governor’s Award for Energy and Innovation. (Photos courtesy of LEA Architects unless otherwise noted.)
1 Sedona (AZ) Fire District Station 6, designed by LEA Architects of Phoenix, Arizona, won a National Design Honor Award from the Fire Industry Education Research Organization (F.I.E.R.O.) and an Arizona Governor’s Award for Energy and Innovation. (Photos courtesy of LEA Architects unless otherwise noted.)

The district covers 168 square miles for fire protection and 274 square miles for emergency medical services (EMS). It has 75 paid firefighters, including 38 paramedics and the rest emergency medical technicians (EMTs). It responds to 4,500 fire and EMS calls a year. The district runs five Type 1 engines (one Pierce, two HME, and two KME with another Pierce on order), a Sutphen SPH 100-foot aerial platform, three water tenders, two Type 3 engines, two Type 6 engines, three utility terrain vehicles (UTVs), and seven ambulances.

2 LEA Architects designed the station with solar panels cantilevered on the top of a wall that faces south because the station’s roof slanted in the wrong direction to catch optimal sun rays.
2 LEA Architects designed the station with solar panels cantilevered on the top of a wall that faces south because the station’s roof slanted in the wrong direction to catch optimal sun rays.

Sedona Station 6 has two double-deep, drive-through apparatus bays; a training community room; a kitchen and dining area; a dayroom; five dorm rooms (each with three lockers for the three working shifts); a workout room; offices; a communications room; an electrical room; a clean laundry; and a decon laundry.

LEA Architects of Phoenix, Arizona, designed the station with an innovative use of technology by mounting solar photovoltaic (PV) panels cantilevered from the top of a wall so they can double as shade for exterior work and training spaces, carports with solar PV panels, roof solar tube skylights that deliver natural light to interior spaces, and light-colored pavements to mitigate the heat island effect. The station also is set up for rain harvesting from the roof, but collection tanks and pumps were not installed because of budgetary constraints.

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Posted: Oct 7, 2016

Sedona Fire Station Combines Innovation and Functionality

By Alan M. Petrillo

Sedona (AZ) Fire District Station 6 has won a number of awards for station design, energy, and innovation, but its most outstanding value, according to the district fire chief, is its functionality coupled with its energy efficiency and how it harmonizes with its red rock desert environment.

Chief Kris Kazian says that while the station is designated number six, it actually is the fifth staffed station in the district. “We needed a station in the Chapel area of Sedona between its next closest station and the equally important village of Oak Creek, where we have a busy station because of a couple of nursing homes and a lot of population,” he explains. “We needed a station in between that could help reduce response times, especially when we were out on other calls.”

1 Sedona (AZ) Fire District Station 6, designed by LEA Architects of Phoenix, Arizona, won a National Design Honor Award from the Fire Industry Education Research Organization (F.I.E.R.O.) and an Arizona Governor’s Award for Energy and Innovation. (Photos courtesy of LEA Architects unless otherwise noted.)
1 Sedona (AZ) Fire District Station 6, designed by LEA Architects of Phoenix, Arizona, won a National Design Honor Award from the Fire Industry Education Research Organization (F.I.E.R.O.) and an Arizona Governor’s Award for Energy and Innovation. (Photos courtesy of LEA Architects unless otherwise noted.)

The district covers 168 square miles for fire protection and 274 square miles for emergency medical services (EMS). It has 75 paid firefighters, including 38 paramedics and the rest emergency medical technicians (EMTs). It responds to 4,500 fire and EMS calls a year. The district runs five Type 1 engines (one Pierce, two HME, and two KME with another Pierce on order), a Sutphen SPH 100-foot aerial platform, three water tenders, two Type 3 engines, two Type 6 engines, three utility terrain vehicles (UTVs), and seven ambulances.

2 LEA Architects designed the station with solar panels cantilevered on the top of a wall that faces south because the station’s roof slanted in the wrong direction to catch optimal sun rays.
2 LEA Architects designed the station with solar panels cantilevered on the top of a wall that faces south because the station’s roof slanted in the wrong direction to catch optimal sun rays.

Sedona Station 6 has two double-deep, drive-through apparatus bays; a training community room; a kitchen and dining area; a dayroom; five dorm rooms (each with three lockers for the three working shifts); a workout room; offices; a communications room; an electrical room; a clean laundry; and a decon laundry.

LEA Architects of Phoenix, Arizona, designed the station with an innovative use of technology by mounting solar photovoltaic (PV) panels cantilevered from the top of a wall so they can double as shade for exterior work and training spaces, carports with solar PV panels, roof solar tube skylights that deliver natural light to interior spaces, and light-colored pavements to mitigate the heat island effect. The station also is set up for rain harvesting from the roof, but collection tanks and pumps were not installed because of budgetary constraints.

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Posted: Oct 7, 2016

Sedona Fire Station Combines Innovation and Functionality

By Alan M. Petrillo

Sedona (AZ) Fire District Station 6 has won a number of awards for station design, energy, and innovation, but its most outstanding value, according to the district fire chief, is its functionality coupled with its energy efficiency and how it harmonizes with its red rock desert environment.

Chief Kris Kazian says that while the station is designated number six, it actually is the fifth staffed station in the district. “We needed a station in the Chapel area of Sedona between its next closest station and the equally important village of Oak Creek, where we have a busy station because of a couple of nursing homes and a lot of population,” he explains. “We needed a station in between that could help reduce response times, especially when we were out on other calls.”

1 Sedona (AZ) Fire District Station 6, designed by LEA Architects of Phoenix, Arizona, won a National Design Honor Award from the Fire Industry Education Research Organization (F.I.E.R.O.) and an Arizona Governor’s Award for Energy and Innovation. (Photos courtesy of LEA Architects unless otherwise noted.)
1 Sedona (AZ) Fire District Station 6, designed by LEA Architects of Phoenix, Arizona, won a National Design Honor Award from the Fire Industry Education Research Organization (F.I.E.R.O.) and an Arizona Governor’s Award for Energy and Innovation. (Photos courtesy of LEA Architects unless otherwise noted.)

The district covers 168 square miles for fire protection and 274 square miles for emergency medical services (EMS). It has 75 paid firefighters, including 38 paramedics and the rest emergency medical technicians (EMTs). It responds to 4,500 fire and EMS calls a year. The district runs five Type 1 engines (one Pierce, two HME, and two KME with another Pierce on order), a Sutphen SPH 100-foot aerial platform, three water tenders, two Type 3 engines, two Type 6 engines, three utility terrain vehicles (UTVs), and seven ambulances.

2 LEA Architects designed the station with solar panels cantilevered on the top of a wall that faces south because the station’s roof slanted in the wrong direction to catch optimal sun rays.
2 LEA Architects designed the station with solar panels cantilevered on the top of a wall that faces south because the station’s roof slanted in the wrong direction to catch optimal sun rays.

Sedona Station 6 has two double-deep, drive-through apparatus bays; a training community room; a kitchen and dining area; a dayroom; five dorm rooms (each with three lockers for the three working shifts); a workout room; offices; a communications room; an electrical room; a clean laundry; and a decon laundry.

LEA Architects of Phoenix, Arizona, designed the station with an innovative use of technology by mounting solar photovoltaic (PV) panels cantilevered from the top of a wall so they can double as shade for exterior work and training spaces, carports with solar PV panels, roof solar tube skylights that deliver natural light to interior spaces, and light-colored pavements to mitigate the heat island effect. The station also is set up for rain harvesting from the roof, but collection tanks and pumps were not installed because of budgetary constraints.

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Posted: Oct 7, 2016

FDSOA Apparatus Specification and Maintenance Symposium 2017: Experiences Offered

By Richard Marinucci

As everyone knows, experience is a great teacher. As we go through life, we have an opportunity to learn from virtually everything that passes by us-the good and the bad.

In the fire and emergency services, not everyone can experience everything they need to know before they retire or move on to other assignments. Yet, there is an expectation from bosses, supervisors, and the citizens being served by those organizations (i.e., taxpayers) that individuals within the organization will make good decisions and choices. Therefore, it is wise and prudent for individuals to learn as much as they can from other people’s experiences and try not to learn the hard way.

That is where the 29th Annual Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA) Apparatus Specification and Maintenance Symposium comes into play. This is a one-of-a-kind event that will be held in Orlando, Florida, from January 15-18, 2017. It brings together experts in the field of fire service vehicles. There are opportunities to get the latest information on emerging issues and topics. There will be people there to discuss all aspects of apparatus-from purchasing to maintenance. As fire apparatus are significant investments, knowledge is essential so departments make the right decisions and minimize errors.

One area to be covered is the Boston (MA) Fire Department’s (BFD) experiences following a fatal crash in 2009. Ralph Craven, of Mercury Associates (who was retained by Boston to perform the assessment) and a representative from the BFD will relay the lessons learned, conclusions, and recommendations. This is a great chance to hear about the positives that resulted from a tragedy with hopes of never having a repeat-not only in the BFD but in every other organization that can learn from the challenges the BFD faced.

Neil Rossman, a Massachusetts attorney, will make another presentation. Some people may remember Rossman as an attorney who represented a Brookline, Massachusetts, firefighter who was thrown from an apparatus while responding to a call. He was successful in his lawsuit and with it brought many changes to apparatus to make them safer. Rossman subsequently served on the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program, committee, where he continued to work on safety issues and apparatus affecting firefighters and fire departments. He will discuss the progress that has been made and the areas that still need improvement.

These are two of the programs that will help you to gain from the experiences of others. This year’s program promises to be outstanding, with a variety of subjects to be covered. Those who attend will have many opportunities to network to add to what they learn during general sessions and workshops. Invest in yourself and your organization so that you can continue to improve on your capabilities. If you are in any way involved with the apparatus in your organization, you should make plans now to attend the 29th Annual Apparatus Specification and Maintenance Symposium. Visit for more information.

RICHARD MARINUCCI is the executive director of the Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA). He retired as chief of the Farmington Hills (MI) Fire Department in 2008, a position he had held since 1984. He is a Fire Apparatus & Emergency Equipment and Fire Engineering editorial advisory board member, a past president of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), and past chairman of the Commission on Chief Fire Officer Designation. In 1999, he served as acting chief operating officer of

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Posted: Oct 7, 2016

FDSOA Apparatus Specification and Maintenance Symposium 2017: Experiences Offered

By Richard Marinucci

As everyone knows, experience is a great teacher. As we go through life, we have an opportunity to learn from virtually everything that passes by us-the good and the bad.

In the fire and emergency services, not everyone can experience everything they need to know before they retire or move on to other assignments. Yet, there is an expectation from bosses, supervisors, and the citizens being served by those organizations (i.e., taxpayers) that individuals within the organization will make good decisions and choices. Therefore, it is wise and prudent for individuals to learn as much as they can from other people’s experiences and try not to learn the hard way.

That is where the 29th Annual Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA) Apparatus Specification and Maintenance Symposium comes into play. This is a one-of-a-kind event that will be held in Orlando, Florida, from January 15-18, 2017. It brings together experts in the field of fire service vehicles. There are opportunities to get the latest information on emerging issues and topics. There will be people there to discuss all aspects of apparatus-from purchasing to maintenance. As fire apparatus are significant investments, knowledge is essential so departments make the right decisions and minimize errors.

One area to be covered is the Boston (MA) Fire Department’s (BFD) experiences following a fatal crash in 2009. Ralph Craven, of Mercury Associates (who was retained by Boston to perform the assessment) and a representative from the BFD will relay the lessons learned, conclusions, and recommendations. This is a great chance to hear about the positives that resulted from a tragedy with hopes of never having a repeat-not only in the BFD but in every other organization that can learn from the challenges the BFD faced.

Neil Rossman, a Massachusetts attorney, will make another presentation. Some people may remember Rossman as an attorney who represented a Brookline, Massachusetts, firefighter who was thrown from an apparatus while responding to a call. He was successful in his lawsuit and with it brought many changes to apparatus to make them safer. Rossman subsequently served on the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program, committee, where he continued to work on safety issues and apparatus affecting firefighters and fire departments. He will discuss the progress that has been made and the areas that still need improvement.

These are two of the programs that will help you to gain from the experiences of others. This year’s program promises to be outstanding, with a variety of subjects to be covered. Those who attend will have many opportunities to network to add to what they learn during general sessions and workshops. Invest in yourself and your organization so that you can continue to improve on your capabilities. If you are in any way involved with the apparatus in your organization, you should make plans now to attend the 29th Annual Apparatus Specification and Maintenance Symposium. Visit for more information.

RICHARD MARINUCCI is the executive director of the Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA). He retired as chief of the Farmington Hills (MI) Fire Department in 2008, a position he had held since 1984. He is a Fire Apparatus & Emergency Equipment and Fire Engineering editorial advisory board member, a past president of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), and past chairman of the Commission on Chief Fire Officer Designation. In 1999, he served as acting chief operating officer of

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