
WFC News

Posted: Oct 14, 2016

Honeywell Extends Capabilities of Industry-Leading Wireless, Transportable Multi-Threat Monitor

Honeywell AreaRAE Pro

Honeywell (NYSE: HON) today announced AreaRAE Pro, the next-generation wireless, transportable, GPS-enabled, multi-threat monitor from Honeywell RAE Systems. AreaRAE Pro collects information on meteoreological conditions and simultaneously detects a broad range of threats including toxic and combustible gases, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and radiation. While monitoring for hazardous conditions, AreaRAE Pro uses state of the art wireless technology to communicate threats in real time up to two miles to a host receiver, where critical information is conveyed via remote software so that connected responders and decision makers across the enterprise have increased situational awareness to make faster, more informed decisions.

“The legacy AreaRAE notably served the HAZmat and emergency response community for almost 15 years as a multi-threat detector, but now the platform has been redesigned and upgraded through Honeywell technology and its considerable engineering resources,” said Thomas Negre, senior marketing director, Portable Solutions, Honeywell Analytics. “The result is more information being gathered by a single device and making that information easily accessible to local and remote decision makers. For first responders, understanding what the threats are, where they are and how they are moving is critical to determine an appropriate response plan. AreaRAE Pro’s detection capabilities give incident commanders more critical information, so that they can keep their teams and the community safe.”

With its versatile configuration options, AreaRAE Pro accommodates up to seven sensors that can be easily switched out as needs change. Users can select from over 20 sensors for toxic and combustible gases, a photoionization detector (PID) for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at parts per billion levels, a gamma ray sensor for radiation, and a meteorological sensor to monitor factors affecting the dispersion and direction of gas plumes, such as wind speed and direction. Meteorological data can be used to develop a visual plume model on a computer loaded with Honeywell’s real-time monitoring software, which aids in predicting the spread of a gas leak and planning of additional safety measures.

In addition, AreaRAE Pro includes an embedded GPS location identification, which provides critical information on where a unit is deployed, enabling responders to react to an incident with increased situational awareness.

Honeywell has re-engineered the wireless technology to provide untethered flexibility with choice of wireless protocols includingGPS, mesh wireless, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth® (BTLA). AreaRAE Pro also has a built-in mesh modem that facilitates the short-range transmission (up to 100 meters) of readings to a central monitor, while serving as a host for up to eight other portable Honeywell detectors. 

An optional Rapid Deployment Kit enables incident responders to configure and activate a wireless area monitoring system in minutes. Flexible power options are available for both short and long-term deployments, including switchable battery packs and AC power.

AreaRAE Pro builds on the AreaRAE’s legacy of excellence in the incident response community by providing responders with more information than ever to help them identify hot zones, set perimeters, and make other informed emergency decisions both onsite or remotely using AreaRAE Pro’s wireless technology.<

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Posted: Oct 14, 2016

Midwest Fire President and CEO Sarah Atchison Named Executive of the Year Finalist

LUVERNE, MN—Midwest Fire Equipment & Repair Company (Midwest Fire) President and CEO Sarah Atchison was named a finalist along with two other companies for the Executive of the Year Award at the Minnesota Business Manufacturing Awards. The award recognizes an individual who has made major accomplishments in Minnesota’s manufacturing industry in the past few years.

The awards event celebrating the finalists was held in Minneapolis. Winners and finalists will be honored in an upcoming feature story of an all-manufacturing issue of Minnesota Business.

“Atchison’s leadership and accomplishments are inspiring,” says Minnesota Business Editor in Chief Steve LeBeau. “Manufacturing is an aggressive industry, and Atchison has adapted and prospered. We are very impressed with her career.”

“I’m grateful for the recognition,” says Atchison. “I have a great team behind me at Midwest Fire Equipment & Repair Company and credit them for our success and awards as a business.”


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Posted: Oct 14, 2016

Fire Engineering, ISFSI Instructor of the Year Nominations

The Fire Engineering/ISFSI George D. Post Instructor of the Year Award recognizes individuals for extraordinary accomplishments in fire service training. The winner of the George D. Post Instructor of the Year Award:

• will have displayed a deep commitment to furthering the cause of the fire
service through training;
• will have advanced the cause of firefighter operational effectiveness
and safety;
• will have gone above and beyond the call of duty in training;
• will have brought creativity and innovation to fire training programs, or will
have shown great persistence in pursuing an innovative program; and
• will have served as a positive model for other fire instructors and firefighters
throughout the country.

The George D. Post Instructor of the Year Award marks individual accomplishment. Therefore, while members of an instructional team or ad hoc training group, for example, will be considered, nominations in the name of a fire department or training academy are not eligible.

Nominations must be received by December 31, 2016.

Download the nomination form

Send them to:

Diane Rothschild
George D. Post Instructor of the Year Award, Fire Engineering
21-00 Route 208 South
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410-2602

Stephen Kerber Named FE/ISFSI George D. Post Instructor of the Year, 2016


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Posted: Oct 14, 2016

Lewis County: Meaningless Dispatcher Vote Not Considered in Hiring of Manager

Lewis County officials are defending their recent decision to hire controversial interim manager David Anderson to continue leading Lewis County’s E911 Communications Center, despite continued concerns from law enforcement leaders and a vote of no-confidence from his own staff. Lewis County Central Services Director Steve Walton summed the matter up as “old news” while confirming that the Centralia and Chehalis police departments were not involved in the process, despite pointed criticism of Anderson earlier this year.
- PUB DATE: 10/14/2016 3:22:26 AM - SOURCE: Centralia Chronicle
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Posted: Oct 14, 2016

Lewis County: Mossyrock Fire Station Crumbles From Dry Rot, Rust and Rain

For three Lewis County Fire District 3 residents, a routine visit to the district’s main station in Mossyrock last month served as a major wake-up call. “We have natural skylights — that means holes,” said Ron Palmer. Palmer, along with Fire District 3 residents Jack DeGoede and Butch Senter, were aware that the November ballot would include a third attempt by the district to replace the cramped, aging building, but didn’t understand the scope of the problem until they saw the rust-pitted walls and roof for themselves.
- PUB DATE: 10/14/2016 3:11:49 AM - SOURCE: Centralia Chronicle
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