
WFC News

Posted: Sep 7, 2016

Redmond fire wins Hot Shot Crew Challenge

The Redmond Fire Department's (RFD) Team Isabella was recently awarded $10,000 for winning this year's Hot Shot Crew Challenge. The challenge brought in donations that funded the Equipment and Training Grant from the Medic One Foundation. This grant allows RFD to purchase a child simulation mannequin so paramedics and firefighters can train for medical and traumatic emergencies with children.
- PUB DATE: 9/7/2016 2:43:19 AM - SOURCE: Redmond Reporter
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Posted: Sep 7, 2016

Massachusetts fire department to hire ex-con; union opposes decision

Frederick Conyers Jr. had a choice: he could run and hide from his past or he could face it head on. On Tuesday, he sat, flanked by the mayor and the fire chief and surrounded by microphones and cameras from a half-dozen local reporters, detailing his criminal history, incarceration and rise to redemption.
- PUB DATE: 9/7/2016 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE:
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Posted: Sep 7, 2016

Maryland county might distinguish between urban and rural fire response times

Changes to Frederick County’s fire and rescue response goals could help county fire stations get more support — and maybe more personnel. The Frederick County Council heard testimony Tuesday on a bill to change target response times throughout the county. Right now, county code has a blanket approach to measuring fire station responses, the time it takes units to leave a station after a dispatched call.
- PUB DATE: 9/7/2016 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: The Frederick News-Post
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Posted: Sep 7, 2016

They kept Liberty Bridge from falling down: how Pittsburgh firefighters' quick action saved the day

Pittsburgh's firefighters now know they averted a disaster with their quick action to put out the fire on the Liberty Bridge on Friday. They knew the heat from the flames was intense, but going in, they didn't know the full threat that the severe fire damage to a metal beam under the Liberty Bridge was creating.
- PUB DATE: 9/7/2016 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE:
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Posted: Sep 7, 2016

Column: California arson investigator offers insight into the mind of an arsonist

There aren’t many sounds in Southern California more frightening than a wildfire. And we’ve been hearing them way too often, in a fire season that doesn’t seem like a season at all any more, but a year-round event. There are so many that we have to give them names to distinguish them -- the Sand fire, the Chimney fire, the Fish fire.
- PUB DATE: 9/7/2016 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: Los Angeles Times
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