
WFC News

Posted: Aug 31, 2016

Pompton Lakes (NJ) Hosting Wetdown Party

The community is invited to a party at the Pompton Lakes Fire Department (PLFD) firehouse to celebrate the arrival of a new 2016 Pierce pumper truck on Saturday, Sept. 10. Chief Ron Fusaro said the new truck replaces a 1989 pumper. "After so many years they have to be replaced," he said.
PLFD President Al Evangelista said, "Generally after 20 years you start to look at a replacement. We kept the truck because it was in good shape. We were able to get some more years because we have a terrific maintenance program, and we keep up with all the service on the truck. But sooner or later it gets to point where you start to replace one thing after another, and then it gets to where you are at a fire scene and sometimes you worry about breakdown in the heat of battle." The Fire Department has had the new truck for almost a month now, and it has already been out on service calls. The pumper truck it replaces has been stripped of its equipment, and is no longer in use. Fusaro said they are looking for somebody who wants to buy the old truck on the cheap. Evangelista said, "They are not worth a lot of money when they are that age, especially in this metropolitan area. Very few people buy used equipment." Including the new truck, the Fire Department currently has two pumpers, one mini pumper, one ladder truck, and one rescue truck in its fleet. The new truck mirrors the pumper it is replacing in size and function, Evangelista said. It has a 1,500 gallons-per-minute pump, a 500-gallon water tank, and a 40-gallon foam tank that is used for hazardous materials. To make the transition to the new truck seamless, all the equipment that was removed from the cabin of the old truck was placed in the same location in the new truck. "We even tried to put the same equipment in the same cabinets for ease of recognition, so when you get to a scene you kind of have an idea of what's in what cabinet on each of the different apparatuses," said Evangelista. Borough Administrator Kevin Boyle said the borough bonded about $500,000 over a two-year period to pay for the truck. The wetdown is the ceremonial christening for the new truck. Neighboring Riverdale recently had a wetdown on Aug. 27 to celebrate its new pumper rescue truck. Fusaro said a lot of the mutual aid towns will come out to participate in Pompton Lakes' wetdown. "They bring their fire trucks in, they pull up, and they basically hose the truck down," said Fusaro. There will be live music, a DJ, food, beer, soda, T-shirts, mugs, and other items for sale. The wetdown will be held from 5 to 10 p.m. at the firehouse on Passaic Avenue.
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Posted: Aug 31, 2016

Fire Apparatus Named Miss Tootie in Sidney (OH)

Mary Martz, left, walks with her mom, Mary Ann "Tottie" Gilmore, both of Lockington, to the front of the new Lockington Volunteer Fire Department fire truck that was named Miss Tootie after Gimore's nickname Sunday afternoon. Gilmore's father, William Forsythe, helped found the Lockington Fire Department in 1946 after his business burned down.
No nearby fire departments would come to his aid due to snowy weather. Gilmore and her family were recognized for their dedication to the fire department during an open house celebrating the department’s 70th anniversary. Careflight arrived and search and rescue dogs from All SAR K9’s demonstrated their tracking abilities.
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Posted: Aug 31, 2016

Wallington Council (NJ) Approves Purchase of Fire Apparatus

A new pumper fire truck was approved for purchase by the Wallington Mayor and Council at the Aug. 25 meeting. All council members present voted for it, with Councilman Christopher Sinisi stating prior to the vote, "I'm proud to say we'll be doing a second reading to replace Engine Company 202's pumper truck.
Seagrave Fire Apparatus in Wisconsin. He said Engine Company 202 is hoping to have the new rig by the end of summer of 2017, though sooner would be better.

He described the new truck as a duplicate of what the department already has. He said now that the ordinance has been passed they have to go to pre-construction meetings, review the plans and then they can sign the contract.

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Posted: Aug 31, 2016

Do You Really Need A Drive-Through Station? Part 1

By Don Collins

Maybe, maybe not. How do you make the choice? Below are some of the issues.

But first, a little narrow history: Most think drive-through stations are an outgrowth of concerns raised in the last quarter of the 20th century over damage incurred by apparatus and stations in backing accidents. This is true to a large degree, but I have in my collection of fire station photos, images of a large brick fire station in Massachusetts designed shortly after the turn of the 20th century, not as a drive-through but as a pull-through. Yes, a pull-through. At the time the station was designed, the fire department asked for a station where their horse-drawn steamers and aerial devices could be pulled forward from the rear of the station into the apparatus bays. The information I received in visiting and photographing the station was that the department’s officers and members at the time knew it would be easier to get a team of horses to go forward into an apparatus bay than it was to get a team of horses to back into a bay. I know nothing about horses, but it sounds plausible. By the time the station was actually completed, gasoline-powered tractors had replaced the horses. Nearly 90 years later, the large career station is still in use, having undergone a major interior renovation in 2014.

Later, doing a study of fire stations for a municipality in Oklahoma, I was introduced to the department’s photo archives. There I found a photo of one of its early volunteer stations built circa 1870 that was also designed and built as a pull-through. A single door at the rear of the apparatus floor provided access to the two apparatus positions.

Fire stations with apparatus bay doors at the front and back gained in popularity with fire department administrations as a way to eliminate backing accidents and a means to eliminate having to have personnel in the street acting as road guards as apparatus backed into quarters. The drive-through station as a concept gained additional momentum after a 1979 publication advocating the drive-through station. The same study also advocated placing the daytime rooms on one side of the apparatus floor and the nighttime rooms on the other side. Why not to do the latter is another article, but I will ask you, does anyone reading this live in a house with their car garage in the middle? 

Backing accident increases can be attributed to the advent of larger apparatus bodies and cab enclosures and other cab changes that decreased rearward vision from the driver’s seat. We began to rely solely on rearview mirrors mounted to the cab doors. But, the mirrors and mirror mountings were primitive. I can remember backing a mid-1970s aerial where the door mirrors vibrated so bad you could hardly make out the door opening! 

So, what are some of the pro and con issues, and how do you make a decision on drive-through or nondrive-through when you may have to live with your choice for the life of the station?

Drive-Through Pros
There is less opportunity for an accident in a drive-through station if the driveway, apron, and entry portals are designed correctly and the driver and officer remain alert until the apparatus is in quarters and the motor has been shut down. I have heard it many times: “There are a lot fewer accidents pe

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Posted: Aug 31, 2016

2017 Washington Fire Symposium

Make plans to attend the 2017 Washington Fire Symposium, presented by the Washington State Training, Safety & Officers Section.  February 25- March 1, 2017; Yakima

We all know that in recent years, some organizations have cut back on conferences and events. It is known that during tough budget times, businesses that continued to spend on advertising and employee training fared better that those that did not. I believe the same holds true fire the fire service, both in public education and firefighter/officer development. 
A great way to engage and be proactive is sponsoring staff to attend the Washington Fire Symposium. Centrally located, this symposium is somewhat close to home or requiring minimal travel. Attending the symposium, in-person, has the following advantages:
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