
WFC News

Posted: Aug 31, 2016

Washington Fire Chief's Association wants to extend our Congratulation's to Recent Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program Recipients

Congratulations Chief's


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Posted: Aug 31, 2016

3 Steps to Preparing Your Successful “Assistance to Firefighter” Grant Application

1. Get on your mark:

According to FEMA, the Assistance to Firefighters grant program will be opening in the near future.  Typically, they accept grant applications for 30 days.  This isn’t a lot of time to prepare your application.  So I suggest you begin now!

2. Get Set: 
Determine what the AFG program will fund.  Last year’s guidance will give you a very strong indication of what FEMA will want to fund this year.  Only apply for “high priority” items, as determined in the guidance (medium and low priority items rarely get funded).  Email me if you need a list of the high priority funding items.
Find a match between what AFG funds and what your department needs:  What are your biggest operational threats?  What equipment do you urgently need to enhance fireground operations and firefighter safety?  If you would like brainstorm your grant request, you are welcome to give me a call.  
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Posted: Aug 31, 2016

WFC’s Group AD&D Coverage

Washington State Fire Chiefs along with their insurance broker, Shane Heston of Trask Insurance, are pleased to announce a new benefit to our member departments with 50k to 100k in assessed value.   

Recently WFC partnered with Provident Insurance, a leading insurer for emergency services, to roll out a new 24 hour AD&D Accidental Death and Dismemberment group policy.  This group policy is intended to cover departments that are generally smaller in size and mostly volunteer.  The idea behind this benefit is to be included with membership with WFC and used as an incentive increasing volunteer benefits within both the department and WFC membership.  
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Posted: Aug 31, 2016

FireRescue GPO Announces New Contract with VERIDIAN

We are thrilled to announce our first full line turnout gear contract with Veridian Fire Protective gear, as the result of a recently completed RFP by our Lead Public Agency partner, Public Procurement Authority.
Veridian Fire Protective Gear offers a full line of Veridian Turnout Gear and accessories. As a custom manufacturer, Veridian can build gear to suit every body type and situation in the fire industry certified by Underwriters Laboratory to the current NFPA standard.

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Posted: Aug 31, 2016

Camano Island Fire & Rescue to celebrate new equipment

Rain or shine, Camano Island Fire & Rescue welcomes everyone to an open house Sept. 10 at Terry’s Corner Fire Station, 525 E. North Camano Drive, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with hot dogs served for lunch 11:30 to 12:30. Visitors will see the new pump trainer purchased with a donation from Pat Keating, a president of the former Camano City Sparklers and member of the Madrona Fire Sirens auxiliary.
- PUB DATE: 8/31/2016 8:20:22 AM - SOURCE: Stanwood/Camano News
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