
WFC News

Posted: Jul 27, 2016

City of Beech Grove (IN) Dedicating New Fire Apparatus

The City of Beech Grove is scheduled to dedicate a new fire engine Wednesday. The ceremony will take place at Station 57 on East Churchan Avenue. Beech Grove said the new fire engine is worth nearly $400,000 and is paid in full.
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Posted: Jul 27, 2016

1870 Steam Fire Apparatus Returns to Portsmouth (NH)

It was 156 years ago when the city bought the steam fire engine "Kearsarge," a coal-fired, horse-drawn engine, that could force a stream of water from the Court Street fire house to the North Church spire, said Fire Chief Steve Achilles.

On Friday, the Kearsarge was brought back to Portsmouth in fully-restored condition.

Achilles said the antique fire truck — freshly painted and polished by Firefly Restoration of Hope, Maine — is now everyone's to admire as its history is preserved. While the steam fire engine served the city for 50 years, Achilles said, it helped extinguish "almost all of the big fires."

It was also loaded onto a train and traveled to Boston where it was used to fight the Great Boston Fire of 1872 and is credited with saving the South Meeting House, Achilles said.

Photos in the downtown fire station, taken the day the Kearsarge arrived in Market Square, show city firefighters lined up in front of it, depicted in sepia tones that fail to capture the Kearsarge's brass, copper and three shades of red paint. It originally had a companion carriage for hauling hoses but that was lost to time.

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Posted: Jul 27, 2016

Intruder Breaks into Petaluma (CA) Fire House, Struggles with Firefighters

Petaluma police arrested an intruder who broke into the city's downtown fire station Sunday and assaulted firefighters, according to fire officials. The man threw a heavy object through the glass of the station's locked door about 10:45 p.m. A fire captain on duty was finishing work in his nearby office and the three-man crew was upstairs in the dormitory.
Hearing the loud crash and breaking glass, the captain walked around the corner to find a man climbing through the broken door, Battalion Chief Jeff Holden said Tuesday.

The captain headed up the stairs to alert the firefighters. Police were contacted. The man followed the captain and then confronted the firefighters who’d come downstairs.

Speaking unintelligibly, the man appeared irate and began throwing chairs at the firefighters, Holden said.

Firefighters tried to subdue him but he struggled away and ran out through the broken glass door. When he tripped and fell on the street, firefighters held him until officers arrived.

Armando Arenas Altamirano, 27, of Petaluma, was arrested on suspicion of felony assault with a deadly weapon on a firefighter, vandalism, being under the influence of drugs and possessing drug paraphernalia, according to Petaluma police.

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Posted: Jul 27, 2016

Fire Station in Bristol (CT) Reopens

Fire Station 4, at 17 Vincent P. Kelly Road, had been vacant since December until about three weeks ago when firefighters moved back in after the $6 million renovation project. "It came out beautiful," said Fire Chief Jay Kolakoski.
On Thursday at 5 p.m., firefighters will join city officials in dedicating the newly-renovated station to all previous Bristol firefighters and those around the country who have been killed in the line of duty within the last year.

The chief is hoping all those involved in the project, including the mayor, members of the City Council and the Building Committee and representatives from the construction and architecture crews, will join the ribbon-cutting ceremony so firefighters can show their appreciation.

Among the renovations included making separate bunkrooms and bathrooms for men and women in one of the city's five fire stations. This is the second fire station in the city to make such accommodations

"Firefighting used to be very male-dominant, and it still is, but there are more females in the fire service now than ever," the chief said.

He described the fire station, which was built in the 1960s, as more of an "old bunker" before the remodel.

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Posted: Jul 27, 2016

Fire Apparatus Collides with Pedestrian in Costa Mesa (CA)

Police are investigating a collision between a Costa Mesa fire truck and a pedestrian near 19th Street and Park Avenue. "We did respond and transported a male patient in his 30's with serious injuries", said Costa Mesa Fire Capt. Chris Coates. "Police are investigating."
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