
WFC News

Posted: Feb 23, 2023

Lake George (NY) Officials Approve Purchase of $1.67M Fire Truck

Both the Lake George town and village boards approved purchasing a new fire truck at their respective meetings held Feb. 13, reported.

Each board voted unanimously to spend $1.67 million on a new Rosenbauer Commander Cobra fire truck with a 104-foot aerial firefighting platform, the report said.

The resolutions to purchase the truck are subject to a permissive referendum which may be forced if a petition objecting to the purchase, signed by 10 percent of either of the municipalities’ residents in the last gubernatorial election, is submitted to a municipal clerk within 30 days of the resolution’s adoption, according to the report.

The fire truck is to be delivered in 2025.

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Posted: Feb 23, 2023

New Smithfield Fire Truck Will Cost $1 Million

The Smithfield Fire Department will be getting a new fire truck to replace a 23-year-old rescue truck, reported.

The Town Council signed off on a request from Fire Chief Mike Brown to replace an American LaFrance fire rescue truck that has reached its life expectancy, the report said. Chief Brown said parts are no long available for the truck after the manufacturing company went out of business in 2014.

After receiving three bids a new fire rescue truck, the council awarded the bid to Fire Connections for $1,010,580, the report said.

The town had budgeted $875,000 for the new truck but due to price increases and supply chain issues the price was $135,580 higher, the report said.

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Posted: Feb 23, 2023

Merrimac (MA) Fire Department Gets $395K Fire Engine

Merrimac Fire Department Chief Larry Fisher announced the arrival of the fire department’s new Engine 32, the department said in a news release last week. 

Supplier E-One of Florida delivered the Spartan/E-One engine on Friday, Feb. 17, five months ahead of schedule.

The new engine can carry up to six firefighters. It can carry a 1,000-gallon water supply and can pump 1,500 gallons per minute. The engine will be equipped with extraction tools, hose lines, hand tools, cribbing, ventilation equipment, and more. The engine will also have a new set of radios, purchased though a Firefighter Safety and Equipment Grant from the Department of Fire Services.

Engine 32 is scheduled to begin service in late March. It replaces an engine that was purchased in 1991. 

Town Meeting approved the purchase of a new ladder truck in 2021. At the time Chief Fisher proposed purchasing a truck designed for the community’s needs, with  necessary functionality but without unnecessary features.

Ladder trucks typically start at $1.3 million. By working with designer Greenwood Fire Apparatus, the truck could be built at a much lower cost, leaving a surplus in the warrant article. The ladder truck is set to be delivered this summer.

Chief Fisher then approached the Town for permission to purchase an engine through the same needs-based review using money from the Apparatus Reserve Fund.  A new engine can cost $600,000 to $800,000. Engine 32 will cost the Town $395,000.

This approach has saved Merrimac taxpayers more than $500,000. Members will now undertake the task of mounting all the equipment, which will save approximately $15,000.

“Thank you to Town of Merrimac and our community for once again supporting the Department,” said Chief Fisher. “This new engine will really provide our members with a sense of pride and instill confidence in them. They now have the equipment to support them to be the best they can be. Knowing we have the ability to do our jobs more effectively is huge, and we are excited to get Engine 32 ready for service.” 

In recognition of this support, Engine 32 displays a unique decal highlighting the Merrimac Fire Department logo and the Town of Merrimac seal, and reads “In a Partnership with Our Community.” 

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Posted: Feb 23, 2023

VIDEO: Historic home movie footage discovered of devastating 1963 theater fire in Washington

On May 30, 1963, fire claimed one of Tacoma's oldest and grandest structures. “On some level I think everybody felt like wow this was a gut shot,” said historian Michael Sullivan. The fire broke out at the Music Box during a matinee screening of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds." “There was an old bearing and a fan in an old projector room that caught fire,” said University of Washington Tacoma historian Kim Davenport.
- PUB DATE: 2/23/2023 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: KREM-TV CBS 2 Coeur d'Alene
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Posted: Feb 23, 2023

California fire station complete after almost 20 years

VIDEO: After nearly 20 years of delays and planning, Fire Station 18 in northwest Fresno is now up and running after Wednesday’s ribbon cutting. For the past 17 years, firefighters at Fire Station 18 have been working out of a three-bedroom home but now they have one of the most advanced firehouses in the valley.
- PUB DATE: 2/23/2023 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: KSEE-TV NBC 24 Fresno
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